🤕The Only One☝️

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Requested by: No one

Word count: 2,929

Type of story: angst

Basic Summary: Not long after the USJ incident, Shigaraki goes to meet up with his best friend for the past few years. However, upon entering the shack they usually hang out at, he finds Todoroki sitting in the bathtub with dozens of deep wounds all over his body. 

Inspiration(s): Author-Chan's dreams and random thoughts

Warning(s): self harm, hinted undiagnosed mental illnesses (BDD, Schizophrenia, depression, anxiety disorders), mention + discussion of both past and present abused


Shigaraki Tomura's life was not exactly one that he would call filled with serenity. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Every single day he felt as if he was walking on eggshells, even in the safety of his own bedroom; one wrong step and then his world will immediately come crashing down on top of him.

It's practically on a daily that he is teetering on having a mental break, always scared that something bad is going to happen. Despite him knowing how silly it was to be acting this way, Shigaraki just could not help it. It was practically second nature to him at this point. He had grown used to living in an constant state of nervousness.

And recently, it has gotten worse. Just a few days ago he had attacked the USJ, where he unfairly and unjustly lost to All Might and that stupid green haired brat. But something else had gone wrong, so very wrong that it made Shigaraki want to bail on the mission entirely as soon as he saw him: Shoto had been there.

His friend of the past five years was there, witnessing him and his true nature in its entirety. His sick, twisted and sadistic side that he had tried his best to shield him from. Sure, he had allowed glimpses of his villainous personality to slip, and it never seemed to make Shoto have any ambivalent ideas.

Even so, it still made Shigaraki feel sick thathis best friend saw what he truly was. A monster who craved and brought death.
Why had he even been there in the first place?? Tomura knew of Shoto's issues with his piece of shit of an old man and how he was being forced into going to that god-forsaken school, but he seriously just went through with it? Why?!

This is what was going through the young man's mind as he trudged on through the rain towards his and Todoroki's usual hangout spot. He had not been answering any of his texts or calls and upon further investigation saw that the fire/ice wielder hadn't been going to school either.

Of course after so long of knowing him, Shigaraki knew that this was completely out of character for his friend. Shoto was the type of person to always want to get to places on time and not leave someone on text or have them wait longer than an hour before he replied.

Out of his own concern for the younger, Shigaraki went out in the middle of a particularly heavy rain storm to go see if Todoroki may be at their spot. It was the only other place that he knew he may be; the old tiny cottage had originally been just Shoto's, as he explained that he found it as a child and has been using it as a 'second home' ever since.

The walk did not take long, even though the powerful gusts of wind nearly took Shigaraki off his feet once or twice. Once he was inside and the rain was no longer beating on his body, Shigaraki felt like he could now properly breathe. Finding that the small house was pretty much completely dark, an ounce of doubt that his friend may not even be here begun to well up.

"Shoto, it's me! Are you here?" he called out as he took off Father to properly wipe the rain water off his face. Normally, Shigaraki wouldn't wear the hand when around Todoroki, finding that just his presence alone anymore would bring him a strange feeling of safety. An even stronger one than the disembodied hands of his family did.

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