🍓Strawberry Cake🍰

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Out of all 365 days in the year, this particular date was by far the worst. For Shigaraki Tomura, it brought with it memories he--though partly grateful since they served purpose in his goal--wished had stayed barried. Hidden away from his thoughts like animals/people on a humid sunny day.

When this day rolled around Shigaraki couldn't bring himself to even get out of bed. His entire body felt weak, brain numb and constantly looping abhor memories like a broken record. This in turn also made the man neglect any tasks that needed to be completed, such as mission planning.

Eating and drinking were also out of the question for today; the thought of leaving his safe space for something as minimal as nourishment made Shigaraki fell ill. All Tomura wanted/could do was stay in bed, feeling useless and pitiful to anyone who might dare come into his messy bedroom.

Even after all these years of going through this day, Shigaraki had no idea why he behaved like this. He didn't feel sorry about what he had done, they deserved it! If anything the memories of what transpired before and after the main even royally pissed him off and fueled his urge to destroy.

But if that was the case, then why were these feelings nearly as powerful as his rage? Grief, guilt, sadness and overall self-loathing kept growing and tearing away at Shigaraki's mind, making him want to sink deeper into the bed sheets to escape them all.

As mentioned earlier Shigaraki was in bed currently, rolled up in all the blankets as he laid on his side, eyes closed despite him not being asleep. His stomach ached and growled in outrage for being empty, which only made it's owner dig his nails into the skin on his tummy, hoping the pain would make it vanish.

His head had begun to hurt as well, but what little comfort he felt from the blanket burrito he was in made his arms refuse to claw at it as well. Nothing much was going on today, so Tomura didn't feel as bad for just laying in bed all day; not that he would've cared. The room was quiet aside from the ceiling fan's gentle humming, but it was broken by soft knocking.

"What?" the red eyed man croaked after a few moments, peeking open and eye as he turned his head to look over his shoulder.
"It's me," came the voice of his partner, "can I come in?" Though he was thankful it wasn't Kurogiri or Dabi coming to pester him, Shigaraki still did not want Shoto seeing him in this state.

Although he wanted to turn the other male away, Shigaraki's heart spoke before his brain, "Whatever, sure.." allowing access to his space. The door slowly freaked open as Shigaraki turned back to stare at the far wall in front of him, no longer facing the door. When the sound of the doorknob clicking as it was shut occured, soft steps patterned over to the bed.

"Kurogiri bought cake." Todoroki informs, his monotone voice having an element of softness that made some tension melt away from Shigaraki's muscles, raging thoughts calming down a tad. Shigaraki doesn't respond right away, leading Todoroki to add on, "It has strawberries."

"Cool." The older shrugs a little, voice sounding jaded despite his stomach moaning; he really liked--he'll never admit it--cakes with strawberries. A couple seconds pass before the mattress dips inwards as Todoroki climbs in, leaving space between him and his boss in case he wanted space.
"Want me to bring you some?"
"Not hungry."
"I know, you said that four hours ago."

Shigaraki can't stop the small huff that comes from his nose; Shoto is such a smartass yet he can never get angry at him for it. It's just that amusing/adorable. It's amusorable. - (*not a real word, fyi*) It quiet again for a couple minutes, neither of them moving or speaking.

Eventually though, Shoto lifts his hand to gingerly brush hair behind Tomura's ear, clearing a spot on his temple for the fire/ice user to lay a kiss. Shigaraki felt his chest tighten at the action, narrow eyes growing soft as a new addition to his self-hatred being added.

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