❤️‍🩹A Beauty Who is an Abomination👹 Pt 2

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Requested by: Me after I got an idea for another part

Word count: 4,355

Type of story: Much fluffier than the last, but still angsty in certain parts

Basic Summary: After reuniting with his long lost childhood friend, Shigaraki and the rest of the League go out to get supplies while simultaneously letting Shoto see what he's missed out on

Warning(s): flashbacks of mental and physical torture, traumatized characters, sensory issues, use of the r-word


Shigaraki awoke to a knock on his bedroom door, as did Shoto who immediately sat up and stared at the door, a murderous yet frightened look in his eyes.

"It's alright," Shigaraki tries to ease the other, voice low and groggy from having just woken up, "its okay. It's just one of my friends." Hovering his hand over Shoto's shoulder, for a moment Shigaraki swore he could feel him shaking.

"Shoto," the younger turns his head to him, head bowing and eyes staring up at him, appearing anxious and a tad scared. Like he was about to be scolded or punished. "Don't be scared. Nothing is going to hurt you, alright? I promise."

Despite never having really been one to comfort another human being, for some odd reason it felt like it was natural when it came to Shoto. It was like he already knew what to do. Maybe he did learn a few things from all those years with Kurogiri after all?

The door opens and Spinner pokes his head in, looking a bit skittish when he caught a glimpse of those mix-matched eyes. "Uh, I just came in to check what the plan was today, boss."
"Figured that." Shigaraki answers, sitting up and stretching out his back, "We need to go out and get supplies."

"Okay, I'll let the others kno--HEY!!" Before he got the chance to close the door Toga bursts in, a few pieces of old clothing tucked in her arms.
"Sorry Spinner!" she apologizes while giving the reptilian man a quick smile, then turns back to her boss, "Hey Handyman, I found some clothes for Shoto!"

"Great." Shigaraki lightly tapes on Shoto's shoulder to get his attention again, due to this girl's sudden entry having stolen it, "Go with her and she'll give you something to wear, then we'll go out."

Seeming a little reluctant of the girl, Shoto stares at the bubbly school girl with unease. She didn't seem threatening, however she was still new. "You can trust her. She's nice. Well..nice enough."

"Please," Toga rolls her eyes and flicks her wrist, "I'm the nicest person here!" Eventually Shoto pushes himself off the bed, letting Toga grab him by the sleeve and lead him out of the room.

"Is that your coat he's wearing?"
Shigaraki slips out of bed and grabs father, putting it on to effectively hide his face, "It was cold last night and Garaki was hogging what clothes he did have."

"Right," Spinner rubs the back of his neck, "forgot about that. Also, how did you calm him down so quickly? I was sure he was going to kill us the minute we turned our backs."

Spinner's mouth snaps shut when his eyes lock onto Shigaraki's own, those bold red eyes glaring daggers into him like he was target practice. "Shoto isn't like that. He's a good person who's been treated like shit all his life."

"Sorry, I didn't you two were that close.. So, what are you going to do with him?" This question makes Shiggy pause in his tracks; even though power and agility such as his would be useful, Tomura really didn't think about Shoto actually doing it.

"I'll have to talk to him about it, but not right now. I want him to have a break." Shigaraki says in a tone that could have been mistaken as thoughtful. When he noticed Spinner smiling at him, he quickly hissed out, "What are you smiling about?"

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