💄Chapstick Instructions🧑🏻‍🏫

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Shigaraki was sitting at the bar, building a tower made of cards. His beer, which was right beside the tower, sat untouched, for fear if it was, the whole tower would be brought down. Condensation caused the appearance of the glass sweating, the droplets of water leaking down to create a circle around the beer glass. Shigaraki slowly sat back down in his seat, looking at the tower with slight pride. There was a sudden silent creak, and Shigaraki glanced to his left to see who or what made the noise.

It was Todoroki, which was carefully, step by painfully slow step, walking to the bar room. "What are you doing?" Shigaraki asked, bewildered.
"Being careful so I don't knock down your tower." Todoroki justified his strange actions in a low whisper, as if he talked at a normal volume, the tower would come crashing down. Tomura's raised an eyebrow, amused.
"Just don't stomp around on the floor stupid, you don't have to walk at the pace of a slug." Shigaraki advised, harshly but it was advice.

Todoroki walked normally, but was still careful as he took a seat next to Shigaraki. It was at this moment that Shigaraki noticed that Shoto was holding a tiny ribbon wrapped box. "What's that?" Shigaraki pointed at the box, and Todoroki held it out towards him.
"Toga told me to give this to you." Todoroki tapped on the top of the box lightly with his finger.
"Do you know what's inside?" Tomura's asked, looking at Todoroki with suspicion. Todoroki shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

Shigaraki hummed, slowly pulling in the ribbon, undoing the bow. Lifting the top lid off the the box and setting it aside, Shigaraki looked inside and instantly groaned. "What's wrong? What's inside the box?" Todoroki questioned, before the box was shoved back his way. Inside was a chapstick, the plastic being a light red, almost a salmon color, and the cap was plain white.
"She's never going to stop! God dammit!!" Shigaraki grunted out loud, slamming a balled fist down on the counter, making the tower of cards collapse. Todoroki took out the chapstick looking at it curiously. "I don't even need it anyway." Shigaraki grumbled, taking a big drink from the beer, which was like warm by now. He grimaced at the taste, shaking his head lightly.

"Your lips are a bit cracked, Shigaraki." Todoroki pointed out, catching the older males attention. Shigaraki looked at Todoroki with intensity, but his intimidation didn't work much on Todoroki. "She just wants you to take care of yourself." Todoroki eased, settling the box on the bar top.
Shigaraki lightly scoffed, looking away briefly, "I don't even know how to use it, so what's the point?"
"I can show you how to use it." Todoroki offered. Shigaraki blushed lightly, but it was hidden by his Father. Shigaraki grumbled, slightly shifting in his seat to face Shoto a bit better.

"Normally I would have tried killing someone for offering that stick of plastic," Shigaraki bitterly spoke before his tone got a bit quieter and softer, "but, I guess since it's you...I can make an exception. Just this once."
"I promise it won't be as bad as you think." Todoroki made an X where his art was, while holding up his other hand, as if to make a permanent promise.
"Whatever, just show me how to use thing." Shigaraki made a circular movement with his wrist, as if to tell Shoto to hurry up.
"Well, obviously you take this cap off, but try not to loose it, they are really easy to loose." Todoroki removed the cap, before pointing to the bottom, "If you start to run low, you just turn this and more comes up."

Todoroki demonstrated, turning the tiny wheel and letting a few extra centimeters to come up. "Then you just rub some on your lips! It's easy, see?" Todoroki motioned the chapstick near his lips, but did not touch it. "Now you try." Todoroki held out the chapstick to Tomura's, who looked unsure. Tomura's hesitated, but took Father off of his face. He carefully took the chapstick from Shoto, his fingers twitching. He couldn't seem to get a good grip on this thing. How was he supposed to hold it?? Damn it! Shit! Fucking fuck!!
"I-I can't do it." Shigaraki quickly pushed the chapstick back to Todoroki, who looked confused.

"Do you want me to show you how to use it again?" Todoroki asked, but Tomura shook his head in refusal.
"It's not that, I just know I'm going to accidentally decay the stupid thing!" Shigaraki head the sides of his head, looking frustrated.
"Here, let me then." Todoroki gently patted Shigaraki's hair, calming the older male. Shigaraki stayed still, not wanting to cause any sort of damage to anything or Todoroki. He did flinch when the wax of the chapstick touched his lips. But, he did admit to himself that it did feel nice once he got used to it. Tomura also noticed how careful Shoto was being as well.

"See? Doesn't it feel a bit better?" Todoroki inquired, taking the white cap and putting it back on the chapstick.
"I will admit, it does feel nice," Tomura nodded before he got a shocked look in his face, "does this have flavor?"
"Um, yes, it's strawberry shortcake,"  Todoroki nodded, reading the label, "is it any good?"
"Yeah, try some of it." Shigaraki nodded. He sudden blushed like a cherry as Todoroki kissed him on his lips.
Moving away, Shoto licked at his lips, "It's a bit too sweet for me to wear. But, I think it suits you." Shigaraki's red face was quickly covered by Father, and Todoroki giggled.

"Your adorable." Todoroki complimented, ruffling Shigaraki's pale blue locks.
"Sh-shut up, dummy. This is embarrassing..." Shigaraki mumbled, his heart beating quickly.
"Love you too."

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