🌅Morning Struggles😖

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Todoroki's eyes slowly opened, his head fuzzy from the tiredness he was still suffering from. He could hear his boyfriend's snores being drowned out by their fan, which brought a nice breeze that helped both males sleep in their room's muggy spring warmth. Glancing over at his lover's sleeping form, Shoto couldn't help but smile as he watched his chest rise and fall peacefully. The young man turned over on his side to better watch Shigaraki, the fatigue he had felt previously fading away into tranquility.

This did not last long, however, as Todoroki's phone alarm began going off. He sighed softly in annoyance, he had forgotten that today was Wednesday. Flipping back over on his other side, Todo muttered out, "Shut up." as he turned off the annoying sound. He would have hit snooze--if only just to watch Tomura for another nine minutes uninterrupted--but he had a test today and felt he was just delaying the inevitable. Sitting up, Todoroki rubbed at his different colored eyes and yawned, humming as he tried forcing himself to fully awake.

Just then he felt arms wrap around his hips and something poke below his ribcage. Looking down he saw that it was Tomura snuggling his face against his side while tightening his hold on him. ' Of course as soon as i have to go, that's when he decides to hold me..' Shoto said mentally, already knowing how this morning was about to go. "Tomura," Shoto began to say, rubbing the older man's back apologetically, "I have to go."

Shigaraki let out a whine not too far off from a cat's growl, tightening his hold around Shoto like a serpent choking its prey. "I'm serious, we can't do this today. I have to get ready for school." No response. Todoroki should have known better when he got permission from Aizawa to move out of the dorms that this is what he'd go through each and every morning. He couldn't lie to himself that he didn't find it cute--because he did quite a lot--but it didn't make getting ready on time any better for him.

"You promised me you weren't going to do this anymore." Todoroki reminds, lightly tugging at Shiggy's long cornflower blue locks in a weak attempt to get his boyfriend to look at him. When that did nothing, Todoroki shakes his head and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry," the younger of the two apologies while grabbing Tomura's arms by their wrists and beginning to pry them apart, "but I just can't this morning." Shigaraki let out a loud annoyed cry, fighting back and trying to get his hold back around his lover.

Todoroki managed to stand up out of bed, but was nearly pulled back into bed as Shigaraki crashed against him, lanky arms wrapping taut around his waist while shoving his face into the fire/ice user's chest. "What has gotten into you? You've never been this clingy before.." Todoroki stroked Shigaraki's disheveled hair with both hands before cupping his face and turning it up to look at him. Shiggy's expression was a mixture of anger, pouting and disappointed.

"It's only for two more days after today," Todo tried to eased, smiling a soft smile as he curled grayish-blue locks behind Shigaraki's ears, "then we'll have the weekend to sleep in."
"It's not good enough." He grumbled in reply, "I only get two days in the entire week to sleep in with you, every other day you get up early."
"I don't like it either."
"Then why go??"

"First off; it's part of my job. Two; I haven't been told when i can stop going to UA. And finally; going into school late each day or skipping frequently will cause suspension."  Shigaraki stared at Todoroki for a moment before hiding his face against his chest again. Todoroki hums out softly, "What? No come backs? No arguments? Are you really my Tomura?"
Shigaraki grunts out in reply, "Shut your mouth."

"Do you want to shower with me? Spend a little more time before I leave?" Todoroki offered, running his nails gingerly up through Tomura's hair. The contact made him lean back into the touch, groaning softly at the tingles it sent chasing up his spine.
"Fine, whatever." Shigaraki muttered, trying to sound annoyed but his tone lacking it's usual bite.

Leaning down, Shoto pressed his soft lips against Tomura's own, chuckling softly as he felt the older eagerly kiss him back.
"Yay, you still love me!" Shoto giggled once the kiss was broken. This comment earned him a confused look.

"I never said I didn't, dummy." Shigaraki says and before Roki could remark he kissed him again. "Let's hurry this shower up so your not late." The villain boss stood on his feet, taking his partner by his wrist and leading him to their small bathroom.

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