🤝Meeting the Todoroki Siblings👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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* for context this tales place about three months after the others--Toga, Dabi, Big Sis, Spinner, Twice-- joined the LOV. At this point in time they have no idea who Shoto is or that he is one of their UA traitors*

"I still don't understand why we had to do this at my father's house." Shoto commented as they reached the driveway of his childhood house.
"Because I don't want that blood sucker stabbing me again." Shigaraki explained, rubbing at his shoulder softly, where underneath his hoodie and undershirt was a bandaged wound he received from the school girl in question about two days earlier.

"She sounds like a delight," Todoroki murmurs mostly to himself but his comment isn't missed by his boss, "anyway just make sure you keep that mask on. I doubt Fuyumi will recognize you, but just to be safe it's best for you to keep it on. "
"Yeah yeah, got it." Shigaraki agreed impatiently, wanting to hurry up and get inside to Shoto's room. The idea of him seeing the inside of the #2 Pro Hero's house was both interesting and bothering to Shigaraki. So, he just wanted to get this planning over with.

As the two men stepped inside the house, the older inspected his new surroundings. Very Japanese, like the most traditional style he could have imagined. Hearing the front door open and close from the kitchen, Fuyumi came sauntering in while untying her apron from around her neck and waist. "Hey Sho, how was--" stopping herself in her tracks, Fuyumi stared wide eyed at the unfamiliar man.

' Ah fuck, please don't recognize me..' Shigaraki pleaded to himself, feeling his heart pick up some.
"Shoto, is this your friend you've been hanging out with so much?" Fuyumi inquired, looking to her little brother with anticipation in her turquoise eyes.
Shoto nods before speaking briefly, "Yes." With that, Fuyu let out a loud excited gasp, her face lighting up.

Zipping over she wraps her arms around Shigaraki, squeezing him nearly to the point it was suffocating. Shigaraki's red eyes grew wide as did Shoto's, both surprised at the sudden gesture. "Thank you thank you for being such an amazing friend to my little brother!!" The older Todoroki sibling spoke, tone showing great appreciation. Tomura gave his bff a side eyed glance that said; "Help me!" to which Shoto lightly patted his sister's shoulder.

"Oh! Right right, I'm sorry. I'm just so excited to finally meet you! Mr...?"
"Uh...just call me Shigaraki."
"Shigaraki huh? That kinda sounds familiar."
"It's not!" Shoto blurted out suddenly, making both Fuyumi and Tomura turn to him in surprise. "I-I mean--I meant you probably got his name confused with someone else. I read somewhere that Shigaraki is a fairly popular name. Nothing to think too much into."

Staring at him for a moment, Fuyumi began giggling at her brother's comment. "You are always so perceptive, Shoto." The turquoise eyed girl mentioned, shifting her red framed glasses to wipe an amused tear from her eye. "Now," her cold hands clasp together as her expression turns ecstatic, "you two go sit on the couch and I'll bring in some tea!"
"Actually," Shigaraki piped up, "we we're just going to--"
"I insist, Mr. Shigaraki. You are our guest!"

Taking both male's by their arms Fuyumi dropped them off on the love seat, then she trotted out of the room with a little more pep to her step than before to make the tea. Given a look from his boss that he couldn't comprehend, Shoto cowers a bit in his seat. "She's never been interested in my social life up until just recently. I wouldn't have ever guessed she'd be this enthusiastic."

Unknowingly to even himself, Shigaraki's narrowed orbs softened slightly. He didn't like seeing his friend so anxious and antsy; Shoto was always afraid to make Tomura mad. "It's fine," Shigaraki replied while turning his head to look at the TV, "let's just hope that she'll let us go to your room after we drink her tea."

Not too long later Fuyumi came back into the living room, setting a tray down on the coffee table in front of the two young men. They both also took notice of the scrapbook in the ponytailed girl's hands as well. "I just started making this recently," Fuyumi started up, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Shigaraki, "so a lot of the pictures aren't in the best of shape. I mainly found them in some old boxes down in the basement."

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