🌃Nightly Occurrences👀

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9:43 PM
The mission was finally completed, allowing Shigaraki and his League to finally arrive back to their shared home. As soon as they walked through the front door, all drew in a breath of relief. "That mission was the worst!" Toga complained, flopping down on the old weathered couch. Dabi sits down on a lone stool and rubs the back of his neck, grunting softly as he lifts his head and rolls it in an attempt to get the kink out of it. He had turned his neck the wrong way while trying to blast fire behind him.

"You're telling me! I'm aching all over from it. Nah, it wasn't that bad!!" Twice sat down at the end of the couch, letting Toga's legs lay across his lap while he pulled off his sweat soaked mask.
"I'm totally sleeping in tomorrow," Spinner remarks as he rubs at his stiff shoulder, moving his arm around in a circular motion to try and loosen it.
Mr. Compress yawns as he removes his hat and mask from his face, "Same here."

The leader of the group stumbles down the hall towards his room, his head feeling very fuzzy from the lack of sleep. Managing to reach his bedroom door, he opens it and nudges it open with a pathetic amount of strength. Through the darkness of the room he sees the human-sized lump laying underneath the blankets on his bed. His confusion only lasts for a moment before recognizing the shape as his boyfriend. The mere thought of laying in the same bed as Shoto again made the villain feel giddy.

How he wished he could have brought Shoto with him on the mission, it would have been so much more enjoyable if he had. Not that Shigaraki didn't find enjoyment with the other league members, they could be entertaining enough. It was just something about Shoto that always seemed to brighten his day. But nevertheless, Tomura knew that to ensure his lover's safety he had to remain here. Staring for a brief moment Shigaraki wonders over to the bedside to see the peaceful look on the sleeping male's face.

Removing Father for a better view, Tomura placed the disembodied hand on the bedside table before kicking his shoes off and letting his trench coat fall off his shoulders. Then he pulled back the covers just enough to slip under them, humming at the warmness that had come from Shoto laying there. As if sensing the new presence in the bed, Todoroki's body turned around and opened his eyes halfway. Shigaraki didn't say anything, just stared back into those beautiful gray and turquoise eyes. After a little while Shoto's eyes closed again and he let out a soft exhale through his nose, holding up his left arm as an invitation.

Accepting faster than the speed of light, Shigaraki pulled himself forward to burry his face in Shoto's chest, arms wrapping around his waist while his boyfriend's legs curled around him. Todoroki kisses the top of Shigaraki's head, hugging his head closer as he drifted off back to sleep. Shigaraki breathed in the scent of the laundry detergent they use and hints of Todoroki's body wash. Red eyes fluttering shut and sighing with contentment as he also falls asleep.

11:23 PM
When Tomura did awake it was due to his body becoming cold. Opening up his drowsy red eyes, Shigaraki realized that change in temperature had came from the absence of his boyfriend. "What the...?" Shigaraki propped his upper part up by his elbows, looking around the still dark room for Shoto. Where did he go? Eyes locking onto a rectangular shaped darkness--even darker than the rest of the room--Shigaraki found himself unable to look away from the area.

Out of seemingly nowhere Todoroki came out from that darkness, nearly scaring Shigaraki to the point of little girl screaming. Instead he just let out a startled gasp that was barely acknowledged by either men. Shigaraki then saw in Todoroki's hands was both their water bottles they kept on either of the bedside tables. Placing Tomura's bottle on his respective table, the peppermint haired male walked all the way back around to his side.

Shigaraki laid back down on the mattress, feel a great deal of relief wash over him as he watched Todo take a drip from his plastic water bottle before snapping the cap back on it. The way he put it down barely made a single sound, as if the bottle was weightless or the room had gone mute. Climbing back underneath the heavy puffy covers, Shoto was met with arms reaching out and grabbing eagerly at him.

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