😭Crying Rivers of Tears💧

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Requested by: Me after looking at Pinterest before bed.

Word count: 1,900

Type of story: Angsty but then fluff comes in and saves the day

Basic Summary: Todoroki Shoto isn't the type to cry. Even when something upsetting happens he remains monotone and distant at all times. So when he comes home from school one day looking like he's been crying and is on the verge of more tears, no one knows who they should react. Everyone seems too scared to attempt to talk to the distraught male, however Shigaraki isn't and is determined to stop his crying.


Shigaraki sighs to himself as he stared at the unread text he had sent to Shoto during his lunch period, eyes narrowed in confusion as he tapped his nails along the bar top. This wasn't like him at all, why wasn't he answering? ' I'll have to ask him when he gets back, ' Shigaraki tells himself as his gaze turns to his phone's clock in the top left corner, ' should be here any minute..'

"You seem bothered," Kurogiri states as the young villain's behavior catches his watchful eyes, "why is that?" Shigaraki's hand that had been tapping along the bar's wooden surface shifts so that he could put his head in his palm.
"Shoto hasn't answered my texts." he confesses, sounding more annoyed than he actually was. If anything he was worried.

Kurogiri hums, "Hmm, that is most unusual of him. Perhaps his phone may have died?"
"He charges his phone nightly, whether it needs it or not. I doubt it's dead."
"What did you say to him in your last text?" Spinner questions from over on the couch, where he had been sharpening his smaller blades for the past half hour.

"Why is that important?"
"Well, maybe you said something that made him upset. That could be a reason he didn't answer."
A scoff leaves the man, "If it had the potential to piss him off then I wouldn't have sent it. You think I'm stupid, lizard?"
"First off; gecko." Spinner corrects, an annoyed look flashing on his face, "Second; then what did you send him?"

Reluctantly Shigaraki picks up his phone and shows the screen to Spinner, who squints his pink eyes to make out what looks like some type of a harmless meme. He gives a defeated shrug, "I don't know then, man. Just ask when he gets back."
"Great idea." Tomura sarcastically replies, moving back around in his chair to glare at his drink.

"Hey Tomura," Toga says as she walks into the room with her phone in her hands, "has Shoto answered any of your texts or calls?"
"...He hasn't answered yours either?"
"I guess so. I texted him earlier and never got a response back. He hasn't even read it yet!"
"Same with us! No way, he's read all my messages within second's!!" Twice comments as he and Dabi wonder into the room.

' What has gotten into him?? ' Shigaraki ponders as he looks back at his phone, messages still unread. Suddenly the front door is unlocked and Shoto steps inside, but before anyone can throw a dozen questions at him they all freeze. The young man's face was reddened, eyes bloodshot and watery, lips bruised and trembling, cheeks damp and tear-stained.

All four pairs of eyed were glued onto Shoto and this new face before suddenly he was gone, the sound of a distant door slamming knocking them all out of their trance. "What the hell was that??" Spinner inquires, looking over the edge of the couch into the hallway, "Was he crying?"
"I've never seen Shoto cry.." Toga murmurs to herself before turning to her boss and his caretaker, "What should we do?"

Neither responded to the girl's question, still in the process of registering what they just saw. Never had either of them seen the calm and collected male cry like that, not did they have any sort of ideas as to what could've caused it.
"Go try talking to him," Spinner nods to Dabi while gesturing down the hall, "see if you can figure out what happened."

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