😰Nightmares & Video games🎮

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The grandfather clock in the hallway struck midnight just as Todoroki awake from his deep slumber with a gasp, launching himself up into a sitting position. He say up so quickly that he went into a harsh heavy coughing fit, left hand clutching his chest as he tried to catch his breath. The boy felt like he was drowning. There was water inside his lungs, swishing around and suffocating him. Killing him. ' Breathe! ' Shoto shouted ay himself inside his head, ' Breathe air! Breathe it! '

When everything settled down again, Todoroki was left with heavy panting, watery eyes, drool tribbling down his bottom lip and a raw throat. His heart was throbbing inside his ribcage so hard it hurt. The boy leaned back against the cool wall behind him, looking down at the covers on his futon. Burnt and covered with frost. "Damn it," Shoto breathed out, closing his mix-matched eyes as he bumped his head against the dry wall, "Kurogiri is gonna kill me.."

Sleep. He had to go back to sleep. But the idea of sleeping scared him. Todoroki could distantly hear the grandfather clock ticking away on the other side of his door. He didn't like that clock, but maybe he could use it to his advantage. Maybe if he counted the ticks, Shoto would be able to fall asleep again. Shuffling around to find a semi-decent position, the bi-colored haired boy began counting the ticks as if they were sheep.


Todoroki could to 300 before realizing that this wasn't going to work. Sitting up, much more carefully this time, Todoroki got out of the futon and quietly left his small room. As soon as he stepped out of the dark hallway, Todo heard the familiar sounds of fighting noise (punches, kicks, groans, moans, etc) that was muffling out boss music coming from the bar room. Trudging down the hall, Shoto peeked into the room that was lit up by ghoulish blue light.

There, he saw Shigaraki sitting on the floor in front of the old patched-up love seat, playing one of his fighting video games. Shoto reminded there were he stood, watching his friend play. Slowly, his body lost a lot of his previous tension, heart returning to a steady pace. The teen's eyes watched how Shigaraki's hands moved on the controller, how concentrated and choreographed they were. At this moment Tomura also wasn't wearing 'Father', so Shoto could see the focused look on his boss's face that he rarely ever got to see. Amazing. Admirable.

"Are you going to keep watching from over there like some stalker or are you gonna come in here?" Shigaraki spoke up out of the blue, making the younger of the two nearly jump out of his skin. Shit. Fuck. How long had Tomura known he was there?? Was he just that obvious?? Todoroki awkwardly shuffled around where he stood before going into the room. He lingered behind the love seat, hugging himself as he continued to watch. "Let me guess, a nightmare?" Shigaraki inquired, his tone sounding like a mixture of cold, amusement and concern.

Todoroki thought for a moment before slowly beginning to shake his head, "I don't think it was a dream." Shigaraki's character faultered before getting back into the rhythm of the fight.
"What do you mean?" implored the villain, sounding a little less cold and amused than before.
"I'm fairly certain that it was a memory. But..I wasn't aware of it until now. "
"You dreamt about a forgotten memory?" Shigaraki summarized Todoroki's words, earning him a nod that he didn't see.

"Radien Wins, Flawless Victory." The deep toned voice arose as Shigaraki finally defeated the final boss. The grayish-blue haired male turned his head to look over his shoulder, his half lidded red eyes locking onto Todoroki. He beckoned the other male over with a movement of his fingers. Todoroki swiftly moved to where Shigaraki was on the floor, settling down beside him and pulling his knees to his chest.

After a few minutes in silence Shigaraki spoke up again, "You want to tell me about it?" The older's tone sounded a bit awkward, which was normal since he wasn't the very best with these types of situations.
"If you don't want to know about it, that's okay." Todoroki said, not wanting his friend to force himself to want to listen.
"I never said that I didn't want to know about it." Shigaraki pointed out, sitting up straighter to lean against the couch behind them.

Todoroki's gaze turned to his knees, quiet as he though his words out carefully. "It was about my brother." Todoroki began, but when noticing Shigaraki give him a sorta look he knew he had to re-fraze, "Natsuo." Shigaraki gave a brief hum and a nod. "He had been taking me to the training hall. Or at least that where I thought he was meaning to take me. We ended up in the bathroom..the tub was overflowing, I tried to turn and leave but his hand was firm on my wrist."

Todoroki's hand moved to the back of his head, pads of his fingers planting firmly against his scalp, "He grabbed me by the back of my head and forced me under the water." Shigaraki eye twitched, but besides that he kept his face blank. "Drowning hurts. After so long it feels like breathing in fire." Todoroki described, letting his hand slip away from his head. Silence filled the room, a type of silence that was both uncomfortable as it was comforting.

Tomura watched Shoto's eyes, seeing the betrayal that was forced to be hidden away inisde of them. Recently, Shoto has been remembering things. Things that most people he knew would've liked him to forget forever. A strange feeling inside him told Shigaraki that All For One had something to do with this.

Shigaraki rubs the back of his neck as he became deep in his own thoughts. He reached over beside him and grabbed his second controller, holding it out for Todoroki, "Here, you can play with this one." Todoroki blinked, surprised by the offer. But overall he smiled and gratefully took the controller.

The two played against one another, both their moods lightening up as time went on. That was until Kurogiri came into the room. "Do you two have any idea what time it is?" Kurogiri questioned, loaming over behind the love seat.
"1:56." Todoroki answered. Kurogiri's head turned a bit towards the red/white haired boy, one golden eye growing wider than the other. "That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?" Todoroki inquired.

"Go to bed, boys." Kurogiri ordered firmly. Shigaraki grumbled as he wa urge out of the room by Todoroki, not wanting either of them in trouble.

Give me some requests I need ideas 🥲

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