⛄️Christmas Dance💃🏻

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Okay, trying to create a smut chapter I actually love is very difficult, so just take this until it's finished. I've got loads of drafts and it'll take just awhile longer. If you have suggestions, leave them here or in my previous note (last 'chapter')

Christmas was something everyone was excited for. Even the LOV. They had gotten each other gifts and had put them underneath the tall tree. Which was stolen from the local woods. Toga had hooked up her phone to her Bluetooth, and was selecting music from it. Some of the songs she chose were hyper, some were classics, some were new, and some were exhaustingly slow.

"Don't pick anything childish." Shigaraki spoke, his brain already fried from the countless other songs Toga had chosen.
"Don't worry Shiggy, I got a song that you'll be enjoy." Toga said with a sly wink. A bit confused, Shigaraki rolled his red eyes and sat down on the couch.

Todoroki set down a tray on the coffee table. Kurogiri had made hot chocolate for everyone, and Shoto came out and delivered it. As soon everyone got their mugs, all expect Todoroki and Shigaraki left the room with a fit of giggles.

"What's their deal?" Shigaraki turned his head to look over at Todoroki. Shoto had that adorable confused expression on his face. With his eyebrows tilted upwards, an unsure small frown, and head tilted.
"I'm not sure.." Todoroki admitted with a shrug.

Shigaraki leaned back into the couch cushion, listening to the song Toga had put on.

At least this one was good.
"Hey, Tomur—I mean Shigaraki?"
Shigaraki felt his face heat up as Shoto nearly said his name. "Y-you can call me Tomura." Shigaraki muttered, finger pulling at his shirts collar.
"O-okay. Um, Tomura, may I ask you a question?"
"Just as long as it's not idiotic."
"What was school like for you?"

Shigaraki paused for a moment, trying to think.
"Uh, I guess it was like anyone's school life. Though, I killed my family at age 6, so I wasn't in school very long. Kurogiri taught me everything I know."

"What parts did you dislike?"
Shigaraki raised an eyebrow, "It was school Sho, no one likes school."
"I know that, but everyone hates one thing more than the other."
Shigaraki let out a small chuckle, "You are too curious for your own good, ya know that? You tell me yours."

"I never went to school. Our maid homeschooled me through out my childhood. UA was my only school I went to. But, if I had to pick one, I didn't like history. I'm never gonna go up to someone and start a conversation about Roman Republic. I mean, it's not like that person would ever know what the hell I was even jabbering about! Just useless information."

Shigaraki snorted, "Wow, that's a strong opinion if I ever heard one."
"Now, you tell me." Todoroki ushered, a smile on his face. He was actually have fun communicating with a person. Usually, it was uncomfortable or awkward.

"Fine, my school hosted a dance. The girls got to choose their dates. But, low and behold, none of them choose me. Said I was weird and creepy."
Shigaraki explained, his hand giving a small wave.
"Really? How could six year olds be so crude?? They can't just judge you like that!" Todoroki said, flabbergasted.

Tomura shrugged, eyes closing as the corner of his mouth tilted upwards into a bored smirk.
"Kids are mean, it's just in their nature. Besides, I'm sure those girls parents thought I was a bad influence due to me scratching at my eyes all the time." Shigaraki sighed.

But, thinking back on this, Shigaraki frowned. It did still kinda hurt. Not that he ever had any luck with girls anyway. They all had seen him as ugly. Even now.

"No," Shoto suddenly mumbled, "no, i'm not gonna stand for this!"
Shigaraki became confused as Todoroki set his mug aside and stood up.
"What's up with you?" Tomura asked, adrenaline started to pump through his veins.

"On behalf of all those dumb kindergarten girls," Todoroki held out his right hand, "I ask you to dance with me." Shigaraki's entire face went red, not expecting Shoto to offer him such a thing. Shigaraki hesitantly grasped Shoto's hand, and thanks to his specially made gloves, he could touch Todoroki with all five fingers.

Shoto pulled Tomura off the couch. Then, one of Shigaraki's favorite Christmas songs began to play.

"I-I'm not sure how to do this." Shigaraki admitted, unsure what to do.
"Me either honestly." Todoroki said with a nervous giggle that made Shigaraki feel less anxious.
Gently, Shigaraki placed one of his hands on Todoroki's waist. Shoto placed his left hand on Tomura's shoulder.

With their free hands, the two intertwined their fingers, locking the binding grip. To the rhythm of the song, the two slowly danced. Shigaraki was a bit scared a might step on Shoto's feet, but surprisingly, he never did. Their movements were swift and smooth.

Shoto could hear Tomura's heart beating rapidly.
The sound of the fire crackling mixed with the song made a relaxing feeling that calmed and soothed both Shigaraki and Todoroki's anxiety.
"This is..nice." Tomura said, eyes glancing at their holding hands.
"It is." Todoroki nodded, softly smiling.

As the song neared its end, the two looked at each other. Without much thought, they kissed, eyes closing. When their lips parted, the two noticed everyone watching them.
"W-what the hell you guys?!" The two gasped in union, causing laughter to erupt from the group of villains.

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