👍Good Surprise🎉

591 19 4

Requested by: no one but I gotta do a birthday special for my favorite boy

Word count: 3,047

Type of story: fluff with emotions

Basic Summary: Shoto is called for an emergency meeting by Shigaraki. Drained from his halfway completed week of school, Shoto decides to attend even though his classmates suggests not to.
Arriving to his stop, Shoto comes to find Shigaraki waiting for him.

Inspiration(s): An old request for some LOV + Shoto fluff

Warning(s): suggested depression and sensory disorder


Shoto is definitely not what you would call a 'socialite'. He liked his privacy and staying away from people and/or things that would draw attention to himself. Outside of classes, the only places where he'd go that he would have to interact with people were the dormitory or home.

But at least the young male actually liked the people in one of those places..

Some observing led to the discovery that a few of his fellow students were his complete opposites. They were what society would call 'social butterflies'. Gross. They would go to such lengths to just have a conversation that it would always end up with Shoto having a headache; he commonly tried to figure out why certain people acted how they did so that he could try and better blend in. Short summary: it didn't work out.

A couple weeks into the dormitory situation, a party was thrown. That particular day had been someone's birthday and said party was planned by one of the most socialist social butterflyies in the hero course: Ashido Mina.

The act was so uncalled for, so strange compared to how the relationship between classmates should have been. Figuring that this girl wanted any excuse to have a get together, Shoto knew that it would be a matter of time before she had everyone's birthday's marked down.

All except Shoto's own, of course. No matter how many times she tried to ask or trick him into telling, he refused to give out said information. Quite literally, he'd rather choke on a cactus than celebrate the day he was forced into this world with people he couldn't stand for more that a single class period.

So, when he was called to an emergency meeting two hours before curfew, Shoto was more than willing to abandon the ship that was the UA dorms. Two hours were left before curfew was up and everyone had to be in bed, so he had time to waste.

"Where are you going?" Iida questions from over on the couch, watching as the red/white haired teen slipped on his shoes.
"Out where?"

Giving a small huff due to growing annoyance, the traitor gives the other a quick fib, "My boss called me in for a quick shift because someone got sick during theirs."

Deep blue eyes blink behind glass lenses. "You have a job?"
"Don't you? Or does your family's money keep you afloat?" Tenya shifts around in an embarrassed manner, clearing his throat before swiftly changing the subject. "I advise against going out so late. After all, curfew is-"

"I'm not an idiot, Iida." The fire/ice user interrupts the rich teen, "I know about the curfew. I'll be back in time."
Uraraka questions from her spot beside the deep blue haired man, "Iida-Kun just means that most people don't really go out at this time, you know? So going to work probably won't be that eventful."

"You're right, most people do not. However, not all people are like them." Without another word, the student exits the dorms and ventures to the nearby bus stop.

A little less than half an hour goes by before Shoto gets to his destination. It's as dingy as it always is, which Shoto expected even more so at night. Being raised here, he has grown used to the haunting atmosphere this section of Musutafu brings. The driver of the vehicle asks Shoto two times as he goes to get off if he really got him to the correct spot. Again, that is what the villain in disguise suspects of the man.

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