✨Special Holiday🎄

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@PatrickJohns118 @percy_peace_
I kinda combined both of you're two's suggestions.

Toga hummed 'Jingle Bells' as she hung up another ornament on the tree, too caught up with getting the tree absolutely perfect to notice that Dabi had gotten himself tangled up in the lights. Spinner and Twice were both trying to help Dabi get out of the lights without snickering, which they were failing at both.

"I think you look nice in all those lights, Monsieur," Aoyama commented, before looking back down at the ornament he held and muttered under his breath, "Ton cul brûlé avait besoin d'éclat de toute façon.."

"I don't speak baguette sparkles, so don't speak it around me and expect me to understand you." Dabi growled, narrowing his eyes at the blonde.
"I think that's his point, Dabs." Hawks smirked in amusement, taking over Spinner's position as Dabi-untangler. Aoyama smiled as Dabi spun like a top as he was untangled finally.
"I see where Shoto gets his clumsiness from." Shigaraki commented as he played a game on his Nintendo.

"Speaking of which," Toga piped up as she looked around the room, "where is Shoto-Kun?"
"I'm his room." Shigaraki answered almost too quickly, earning odd glances his way. "Dabi does you're brother celebrate Christmas? I remember back at the dorms he mainly stayed in his room during the holidays." Aoyama asked.

"Nah, from what he's told me our old man stopped celebrating all the holidays after I was out of the picture. Dabi answered, before muttering another sentence, "Which he never allowed us to celebrate them much in the first place.."
"WHAT???" All of the others shouted, completely showed by this news.
"Nope! Not standing for this! " Toga shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest in a X shape, "Game plan mode people; we gotta make this the best Christmas party in the history of parties!!"

She looked towards Shigaraki, a firey passion in her golden eyes, "Tomura-Kun, I need you to take your lovebird out of the base for a little while and distract him."
"Lovebird??" Aoyama a repeated in a astonished tone, blinking as he looked at the other boys.
"Shut up, Toga." Shigaraki growled through clenched teeth, Father doing a good job at hiding Tomura's blushing face.
"I shall go pack a delectable basket!" Aoyama announced, racing off to the kitchen.

Shigaraki tugged on his tench coat over his shoulders, slipping on his red shoes. Next he went to his and his boyfriend's shared room. He knocked twice before opening the door. Todoroki quickly covered something in front of him on the desk using his body, looking over his shoulder at the new presence in the room. "You good?" Tomura questioned, raising a brow but it went unnoticed due to Father.

"Yeah! What's up??" Todoroki turned around to face Shigaraki, making sure he couldn't see what was behind him.
"We're going a picnic, you and me."
"Oh! Okay, let me grab my hoodie and shoes." Shoto nodded. Shigaraki left the room, still a bit boggled by Shoto's strange behavior. When he got to the bar room, a picnic basket was immediately shoved in his face.
"Here is your lunch basket boss," Aoyama declared the obvious proudly, "I hope you are ravonus for some delicious food. You may praise me now."
"I'm not praising you for something you chose to do."

Shigaraki heard rustling coming up from behind him, and when he turned he saw Shoto messing with something underneath the Christmas tree. "Uh...babe?"
"EEK!!" Todoroki bolted straight up, looking to Shigaraki a little nervous.
"Are you feeling okay?" Shigaraki placed the back of his hand onto his love's forehead, becoming concerned by his odd behavior.
"Yeah! I'm totally fine! Please don't look under the tree.."

"I wasn't going to..is there something wrong?"
"Nope, you just can't look until tomorrow! Cause that's how Christmas works, right?"
"Usually," Shigaraki nodded as he handed off the basket to Todoroki before gesturing toward the front door, "now let's get going."
"Okay." Todoroki nodded again, following Shigaraki outside of the League's base, clinging onto the older's sleeve.

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