😠He's mine🤲

871 38 3

Requested by: no one

Word count: 1,871

Type of story: jealousy prompt

Basic Summary: Midoriya, whether he realizes it or not, has developed feelings for Todoroki. However, when his crush's boyfriend discovers this, Midoriya finds himself having a less than pleasant conversation with the League of Villains' leader, Shigaraki Tomura.

Warning(s): possessiveness


Midoriya lets out a long, low yawn as he stumbles into the commons room, rubbing at his sleep crusted eyes in an attempt to get himself to wake up more. Using one eye to get a look at who all else was awake, one of the first people he saw was Todoroki.

As if he had drank a whole thing of coffee Midoriya instantly perked up, heart pounding and sending adrenaline pumping through his body. Approach the taller student, Midoriya took notice of the fact that he was smiling at something on his phone. It was small, but a smile nonetheless.

"Good morning, Todoroki-Kun!" Greets the green haired teen with a cheery wave. Looking up from his screen, Todoroki gives his friend a nod, "Morning, Midoriya."
"How are you feeling?"

Midoriya takes a spot on the couch beside the fire/ice user. Before he could stop himself, his eyes automatically drone over to view Todoroki's phone, finding that he had been texting someone. However, he does not get the chance to see who the other person was as Todoroki turned his phone off to set it aside, giving his full attention to Midoriya.

That was one of the things Izuku liked about Shoto: despite being blunt and/or ill mannered with what he said, he still had manners. He never interrupted someone unless that person was getting out of line, never bosses people around and respected other's privacy.

"Do you have any plans for today?" Inquires the soon-to-be hero, trying to keep the conversation going as he knew the other had trouble with things like that.
Todoroki nods again, "Yeah, later on. Why?"
"Well, everyone else seems to have something going on, so I was just curious to see if you did too."

"Do you not have plans?"
"I do. Uraraka-San and Iida-Kun want me to go with them to try out this new restaurant with them. It opened last week, but somehow Iida was able to get us reservations! "
"That sounds fun. Hopefully it's got good food too."

"I hope so too." Midoriya nods in agreement, "So, what are you doing? "
"I'm meeting up with someone."
"Oh.." Trying to stifle the disappointment that shot through him, Midoriya makes sure to keep his smile up, "Like a..like a date?"

However, despite his best effort it seems that even Todoroki saw through this. "Um, kinda. Is that a problem?"
Shaking his head and hands in disagreement, Midoriya quickly stammers out, "N-no no no!! O-of course not! I was just a little surprised is all!"

"It's surprising to you that I have a date? "
"K-kinda?? I mean, I've never seen or heard you talk to anyone else outside of our classmates, so I had no idea that you were dating someone. "
"I think it's weird to talk about those kinds of relationships out of the blue. "
"I completely understand. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this awkward. "

"It's alright," Todoroki nudges Midoriya with his elbow, a gesture that let's him know that no harm was done. The taller teen even gives a him an amused smile, "I'm still shocked that anyone would date me. "

Midoriya tilts his head at this claim, "But you're so nice and considerate, I think you'd be a great partner! "
"I can assure you I can be difficult. I'm a menace to society. Just ask Bakugou. "
Midoriya scoffs lightly despite not meaning to, "Kacchan finds everyone difficult, don't take what he says to heart. "

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