❤️💙ShigaTodo Head cannons💙❤️

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Quick note, in these stories, these are usually their ages (it usually depends on the timeline)
Shigaraki: 20 through 24
Todoroki: 17 through 21

Headcannon #1:
@nightmarewolf90 asked this question in the last chapter, so I might as well answer it.
In most of these stories, depending on the AU of course, Todoroki and Shigaraki first truly met, just the two of them, in an alley as Todoroki was walking back to the dorms. Shigaraki was panning on killing
Todoroki, but decided against it as he pieced together where the bruise came from on Shoto's body.
They met again when the League kidnapped Todoroki not long after he went into hiding, since he had killed Enji Todoroki a few days earlier. Todoroki agreed to join the League, since he was promise protection and the chance at revenge.
Over time, with teaching and helping Todoroki with normal things he missed out on as a child, Shigaraki became very fond of Shoto. Unknown to either of them, they developed crushes on one another. Though, by accident, as Todoroki was checking an injury that Tomura earned during a fight with Midoriya, he said straight out of the blue, "I love you." and the rest is history.

Headcannon #2
Shigaraki can tell when Todoroki changes his perfume or colone (whatever he decides to wear). And mos of the time, Shigaraki will point it out. "You changed your scent, why?" Tomura will ask. Todoroki will usually say that he wanted to try something different, which isn't often for him. Shigaraki will say okay and that he thinks it suits Todoroki.

Headcannon #3:
Shigaraki can tell when Todoroki wants to tell him something that's bugging him. He can tell because Shoto will become anxious, fidgety, wears a worried/guilty expression, bottom lip will tremble for no apparent reason, and he will refuse to eat.

Shigaraki doesn't know why Todoroki gets like this, but, if he does have a theory. Shoto probably didn't or wasn't allowed to question anything as a child, or to ask permission to do anything. And if he did, he probably got yelled at by Endeav-bitch. So, as a (almost) adult, he is scared to be yelled at if he questions anything.

For example; Shigaraki was talking to Shoto about one of his video games. He noticed how strange Shoto was acting, and it was clear that he had something on his mind.
"What wrong?" Shigaraki had asked. Todoroki slowly began to explain that Toga and Twice wanted to take him out to go shopping at a mall, since he had never been. But, Shigaraki had already planned on spending time with Shoto that day. Shoto wanted to talk with Tomura about it, but he didn't want his boyfriend to think that he was avoiding him. But, he was also afraid that Shigaraki would get mad at him.

All through that, Shoto had burst into tears, a way his body reacted to help relieve stress. When he finished, Shigaraki immediately hugged him. "You shouldn't have to be scared of telling me these things. If it's what you want to do, you can do it." Shigaraki explained while wiping away his boyfriends tears.

Headcannon #4:
Shoto really likes when Shigaraki hugs him from behind. It makes him feel safe and protected.

Headcannon #5:
Shoto is literally the only one has managed to make Shigaraki out on lotion. It was on his hands and neck, and Sho had put it on himself. The whole time shigaraki was protesting and whining like a scolded puppy.
"Please have mercy!!"
"It's self care Tomura, not the end of your life."

Headcannon #6:
Shoto doesn't get jealous much, but when he sees someone talking with Tomura and they managed to make him laugh, which is a rarity, Todorki can not help but get jealous.

Headcannon #7:
Shigaraki taught Todoroki everything there is to know about video games. And it's something the two do together as dates or hangouts. I mean, Shoto had zero idea what video games where before.
"Hey Todoroki, which is better, Mario or Link?"
"Umm.... Are those...politics?"
"....How fucking sheltered where you?"

Headcannon #7:
Shoto is the only one who Shigaraki let's touch 'Father'.

Headcannon #9:
Even though they love to torment Hawks and Dabi, Shigaraki and Todoroki usually don't do any sexual activity until they are the only ones in the hideout. And if people are around, they will play music to drown out their moaning.

Headcannon #10:
Shigaraki got specially made gloves so that he can touch Shoto without hurting him.

Headcannon #11:
Their favorite pass times are horror movies or horror related video games, especially at night. And yes, they've witnessed the goddess from the newest resident evil.

Headcannon #12:
Todoroki is always scared that he will have a nightmare and hurt Tomura with his quirk. Luckily, it hasn't gotten that bad.

Bicchhhh I'm running out of ideasss

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