🤫Secret Plush🐻

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Shigaraki, Dabi, and Compress walked into the hideout, all three worn out from the mission they had just completed. "How did it all go?" Kurogiri inquired, taking a break from cleaning a beer glass to greet the men who walked in.
"It went fine." Shigaraki answered, undoing his trench coats buttons, hanging it up on the coat hanger.

"It was boring." Dabi complained, sitting at the bar, where Kurogiri placed a shot of whiskey beside him.
"I found it quite enjoyable." Compress commented, earning a roll of turquoise eyes from the spiky raven haired male. Shigaraki flopped down on the couch, letting out an exhausted groan.
"Where are the other three numb skulls at?" Dabi asked after he gulped down his shot, taking notice to the fact that neither Toga, Twice, nor Shoto was in the room.

Shigaraki's tired red eyes narrowed at Dabi, "The other two might be numb skulls, but Shoto isn't." Dabi went to retort, but was caught off his guard as there suddenly came blaring music.
(It's the song above...awooo~)

Toga and Twice danced into the room, slightly mimicking a conga line. Toga was dressed up in a flapper girl made out of a black material, a long scarf feathers made out of fake crimson feathers, heart shaped sunglasses, and a single fake rose that she used as a microphone.
Twice was dressed up in a suit that was stripped in white with a bright red tie, black hat with a white lacing, and a toy gun filled with water.

The two were singing the song with glee, especially at the wolf howl part. "OI!!" Shigaraki snapped, quickly realizing something that sent an unsatisfying jolt to his gut. Toga and Twice ceased their singing, and Twice powered off the Bluetooth speaking he was holding. "Where did you get all of that??"
"We bought it while you all were out!" Toga replied, slightly confused as to why her boss was freaking out.

"But you two haven't been doing your share of chores!" Shigaraki pointed out, standing up from the couch, "Where did you get the money to get all of that??"
"We saved it up, obviously! Lil Sho gave us some money!!" Twice clasped his hands over his mouth, and Toga glared at him in annoyance.
Shigaraki's eyes darkened, making Twice and Toga quickly grabbing onto each other, "Why did he give you two morons money?"

Neither replied to this, so Tomura looked over at Kurogiri, "Where's Shoto?"
"In your bedroom." The portal creator answered. Tomura stomped out of the room, fists clenched. He was going to find out what was going on, and if Toga and Twice had tricked Shoto into giving them money, they were dead meat.

Opening the door, Tomura caught a swift glimpse of Shoto shifting the covers over his lap quickly, his head turning to the door. Shigaraki found this suspicious, had he hid something under the covers?
"Did you give Toga and Twice money?"
"Why do you ask that, hon?"
' He's avoiding it by asking questions and he's using unnecessary pet names.. ' Shigaraki told himself as he closed the door, going into the room further.

"Because they have been skipping out on their chores and now all of a sudden both of them have all these new clothes. And Twice told me you gave them money."
Todoroki nibble on his inner lip, "Yeah...i have them some money."
The older male stood beside the bed, crossing his arms, eyes narrowed still but they were softer than the ones he gave to Himiko and Jin earlier, "Why?"

"Umm," Todoroki shifted nervously, beginning to gnaw on his inner cheek, "I bought something from Himiko-Chan.."
"What did you buy?"
"Shoto answer me." Shigaraki made his tone stern, which felt nearly impossible since he didn't like being mean towards his boyfriend. Todoroki's face turned pink around his cheeks, he still remained silent.

"Is it what you hid under the covers?" Todoroki's pretty eyes went wide, gulping despite his mouth already going dry. Shigaraki knealed against the edge of the bed, leaning close to the younger male, beginning to reach out for the covers. "I will decay these sheets right now if you don't show me." Tomura whispered, but it was really just an empty threat. Todo didn't know this though.

Shoto shifted the covers that covered his lap and pulled his arms out, revealing a doll that looked almost exactly like Tomura. The shaggy pale cornflower blue locks, the red button eyes, the creepy grin, the scratches around his eyes, his cracked lips plus the scar on them, his black hoodie, and finally the red shoes.

"What...what is that?"
"It's a doll of you. Himiko-Chan made it herself."
"Why would you buy this?"
"Because it thought it was cute."
"How much did you pay for it?"
"...5,700 yen."
(5,700 yen is about fifty dollars in US currency....awooo~)
"WHAT???" Shigaraki shouted, before quickly lower his tone as he noticed Shoto flinching. Shigaraki inhaled sharply, sitting beside the younger male on their shared bed.

"Let me get this straight; you bought a doll of me from Toga for 5,700 yen. Correct?"
"Why??? What's the point in spending that much of your money on a plushy???"
"It was an impulsive purchase, Tomura!! I couldn't stop myself!!!"
"Babe, I bet not even Spinner's Stain cosplay costs that much!!"

"But it's so cute! Look at it!!"
Tomura groaned, removing father from his face just so he could face palm himself. He exhaled slowly, hand slowly dragging back down his face. He saw the guilty look on Shoto's face. "Look, I'm not mad at you, so don't get all sad. If anything I blame Toga for tempting you."

Then, a realization hit Shigaraki, making his eyes grow. "Wait...did you buy any more?"
"I'm almost one hundred percent certain that all of what those two were wearing did cost just 5,700 yen. That's too cheep. You had to have bought more."
Shoto whined out in defeat, reaching underneath the covers again.

Todoroki pulled out another plushy, but this one looked like exactly like him. It had his half red and half white hair, gray and turquoise button eyes, his scar, his monotone expression, black turtle neck, navy blue jeans, and black shoes.

"I bought it for you," Todoroki avoided his boyfriend's gaze, "I thought it would be nice if we both had dolls of each other." Shigaraki sat there in silence, slowly taking the Todo plush out of the actual Shoto's hand. He looked at it for awhile. He tilted his head, pinching the dolls fluff filled cheeks.

"You don't like it, do you?" Todoroki sounded disappointed and sad. Shigaraki slowly shook his head, eyes closing and a smile beginning to tug at the corners of his mouth.
"No, I do like it baby," Shigaraki turned to Todoroki, gently pinching his chubby cheeks like he had done with the plushy, "but I've already got the real you. I don't need a fake one."

"But what if one of us is away?" Todoroki questioned.
"Is that why you got them? For when I'm not here?" Shigaraki pondered, releasing his lover's cheeks from his finger's grip. Todoroki nodded, arms crossed and pinning the Tomura plush to his stomach. Tomura smiled more, pulling the younger male close to him.

"I love you, but you can't just go buying expensive plushies just because they look like us." Shigaraki pulled Todoroki onto his lap, kiss in the top of the shorter male's head.
"Okay.." Todoroki agreed, pouting slightly.
"And don't give Toga or Twice money. They make even more useless purchases than you."
"I said no."

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