🤭Don't be Suspicious🤫

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The winter night was cold, snow and ice covered just about anything an everyone who dared be outside. Todoroki Shoto was one of these few people, though he didn't really have much of a reason to be outside. He guessed it was to gaze upon all the snow, see how much had fallen, watch it glimmer from the moon and street lights. You know, just admiring it.

Todoroki blew warm air softly on his hands. He could have been using his left side to warm himself, but found the idea to be a waist full one. He wanted to enjoy this cold, before the warmer part of spring would eventually arrive and drive it away. Besides, his duffle coat was enough to keep him satisfied.

Suddenly, just as a car drove by, Todoroki swore he heard a noise. It had almost sounded like a tiny cry. Todoroki stood still, patiently waiting awhile for the sound to come back. When nothing came, he blamed it on the car and began walking again. However, the red/white haired boy halted yet again when that same cry broke the silence.

"Hello?" Todoroki said out loud, brows furrowing as he turned around. Hearing some rustling coming from beside a trash can, Shoto cautiously began to move closer to it. Slowly he reached out and grabbed the aluminum can, moving it aside to see what was making the noise.

There, curled up around each other in the craves between another recyclable can and the trash can Shoto had just lifted up, was two kittens. One was Scottish Fold (gray fur, blue eyes), and a Skinderlop (Scottish Fold + hairless cat breed, almond skin tone with bloches of pale black, pale green eyes).

Todoroki awed almost immediately, and slightly against his own will. He knelt down to the ground, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he gently pats his thighs. He also allows his left side to warm up his body, melting the snow underneath his legs. Feeling the warmth coming off the newcomer, the kittens mewed and trotted over, rubbing up against the newcomer's thighs.

Todoroki looked around, making sure no one was around before he unzipped his coat and scooped up the kittens. He placed them inside his jacket, zipping it back up to make sure no hear escaped. The boy could feel the kittens purring against his chest, their purs were also loud. Todoroki began to race back to the base, being careful not to slip and fall.

Luckily for Todoroki, most of the League was already asleep for the night. So he figured it was a perfect opportunity to bring in his new little feline friends.
He entered Shigaraki's room quietly, nudging the door behind him closed with his foot. Todoroki tiptoed into the dark room, only to pause when he suddenly felt eyes watching him from behind. But before he even got the chance to check, the bedside lamp flipped on and a voice spoke up from the bed, "What are you doing?"

"AAH-!!! Oh, hi baby! Wh-what are you still doing awake??" Todoroki yelped, spinning around with his arms clutched over his chest.
Shigaraki held up his right hand, holding his Nintendo. He was gaming. Of course he was. That night owl doesn't even know the definition of sleep.

"What do you have?" Shigaraki asked, nodding his head at Todoroki's puffed out jacket. And despite the dim lighting, the hump also seemed to be moving.
"Uh..." Todoroki's eyes went wide, trying to think of an excuse, "drugs."
"...." Shigaraki stared at the younger, quirking a brow upwards. He wasn't falling for it.
"Mreow!" the Scottish Fold meuwled loudly as Todoroki's heat began to decline, being too focused on coming up with a lie to give out more heat. 

"......uh...I-I explain."
"Shoto," Tomura began, "do you have..a cat?"
"Two of them, actually." Todoroki admitted with a nod. Shigaraki sighed, gesturing for his boyfriend to come closer. Todoroki obeyed, moving over with his head hanging down. Once close enough, Shigaraki unzipped the coat, the two kittens immediately jumping onto him. Shigaraki looked at the kittens cling onto him, the hairless one dropping down to his lap to lay down.

"Can we keep them?"
Shigaraki looked at Todoroki, who was giving him what he had to assume were puppy dog eyes. Todoroki lifted the furry kitten up, "Just look at it! I can't just leave them outside."
Shigaraki tried to resist, but gave in when the kitten meowed at him, "Fine...but you're taking care of them."

Todoroki grinned wide, leaning over to kiss Shigaraki's cheek, "Thank you!"
"Yeah yeah, don't mention it." Shigaraki smirked, rolling his eyes a bit as a blush crept onto his face.

Scottish Fold's name: Ankle Biter

Skinderlop's name: Goblin

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