💙❤️ShigaTodo Artworks Works + Mini Stories📚

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Story #1:

Shigaraki let out a grunt as he awoke from the sunlight shining in on his face through the thin gray colored curtains. He slowly opened his tired red eyes, head shaking a bit as if it would brush off the sunlight. Blinking a bit, Shigaraki looked over at the alarm clock. ' Only a little after six, ' he yawned out loud as he thought in his head, ' I can sleep for awhile longer. Maybe I'll be able to finish that dream..' Shigaraki laid his head back down on the pillow, attempting to fall asleep but was distracted when he noticed he was holding onto something.

Brows furrowing, Shigaraki opened his eyes and looked down at his chest. He saw that Todoroki was cuddled up on his chest, wearing a white cat hoodie that he got as a gift from Big Sis Magne and burritoed by a puffy pink blanket. Then something else caught the villain's eye; he wasn't wearing his gloves. Panic set in and Tomura began to frantically look for his gloves, which he found laying on the bed on either side of him. ' I must have taken them off when I was sleeping, ' Shigaraki concluded as he grasped both gloves, ' but I've never taken them off before. What had I been dreaming about?? Uggh, what was it??! I was just thinking about it!!!! '

The older male was knocked out of his thoughts when he felt Shoto beginning to shift. Shigaraki held his breath, worried that his movements might have disturbed his boyfriend's slumber. But this wasn't totally true as Todoroki just turned his head to the other side and went right back to sleep. A sigh of utter relief left Shigaraki's lips, thank god. Shigaraki stared at Todoroki for awhile, his left hand coming up slowly. Very hesitant at first because of the great amount of fear he had against his quirk, Shigaraki gradually allowed himself to stroke Shoto's hair. His three fingers rubbed gingerly against Shoto's scalp, his face heating up at the pleasant feeling of silky strands brushing against his skin.

' He's so cute it's unfair..' Shigaraki whined to himself, his pointer finger rubbing it's knuckle against Shoto's slightly chubby cheek.
Todoroki hummed at the touch, snuggling even closer to his boyfriend, "Tomey.." Tomura felt a if an arrow shot through his heart.
' Curse you're cuteness and that fucking winged fetus..' Tomura's head fell back onto the pillow, his entire face like up a cherry red.

Story #2:

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Story #2:

Todoroki hummed an unfamiliar tune to himself, his tongue darted out to wet the pd of his finger to better turn the page in his book. His eyes briefly grew wide at the next sentence he read, lip pursing in surprise before his blank expression returned to his face. Todoroki's reading was just then interrupted by his boyfriend bursting into the room, visibly frustrated and possibly even flustered.
"Hi babe," Shoto greeted before taking notice of the fact that Shigaraki was clawing at his neck, "is something wrong?"

"No." Shigaraki huffed, crossing his arms.
"Let me guess," Todoroki sighed as he closed his book, "they made fun of you're sweater?"
"What's wrong with it???" Shigaraki exclaimed as he threw his arms up in the air.
Todoroki shrugged and shook his head, "Nothing, I like it."
"They called the colors ugly."
"Does what they think bother you?"
"No!" Shigaraki tried to deny, but the look Todoroki gave him made him crack, "A little. But only a little!"

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