😥Depressive Episode😰

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Despite the title, this is more fluff than angst.

Tonight was Musutafu's annual Halloween Parade + Pumpkin Festival. The even were usually held separately, but due to road maintenance schedules, they decided to put the events on the same night. Toga had heard about it on the News, and practically begged Shigaraki to let them go. At first, Shigaraki refused. He said that it was too risky for them to go out. But Toga kept bugging him and pleading until finally Shigaraki's stubborness failed him.

"FINE!" The dull-blue haired male gave in, "WE'LL GO."
"YAAY!!!" Toga cheered, before she wrapped her arms around her boss neck and gave him a peck on the cheek, "Thank you Tomura-Kun!"
"Don't kiss me, I'm taken." Shigaraki rubbed at his cheek, grimacing.
"Speaking of taken, go wake Shoto-Kun up! Tell him we're leaving!" Toga pointed out, and Shigaraki noticed that Shoto wasn't in the room.
"Wait, he isn't in here? Where did he go?" Shigaraki questioned.

"He went to your room awhile ago." Spinner commented from the couch, busy sharpening his blades. Shigaraki got up from the bar, walking down the hall and to his bedroom. Opening the door, Shigaraki saw his boyfriend laying on the bed, his back facing the door.
"Hey Sho, we're going to the Halloween Parade." Shigaraki announced.

No reply.
Shigaraki became confused, Shoto always answered him. Going over to the bed, Tomura could see that Todoroki was wearing one of his hoodies and his headphones. This was odd since Todoroki only wore Shigaraki's clothing if he was upset. Shigaraki sat down beside Shoto, gently brushing away the headphones.
"Huh? Sorry, did you call for me?" Shoto finally realized what was going on, turning his head to face his boyfriend.

"We're going to the Halloween parade."
"But wouldn't that-"
"Risk blowing our cover? Yes, yes it would. But Toga won't shut up about it, so we're going."
Todoroki see me unsure, even a hit uncomfortable at the idea.
"Okay.." Todoroki nodded, sitting up from where he had been laying.

"Are you feeling okay?" Shigaraki questioned, pulling Todoroki close in a side hug.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired." Todoroki flashed a small smile, "Let's get going before Himiko gets annoyed."
Todoroki stood up, slipping on his black tennis shoes.
' That was a forced smile.. ' Shigaraki told himself. Something was wrong.

The festival was like an introvert's worse nightmare. So many people in such a small area of town was too much for Shoto's claustrophobia and his own backwards nature to deal with. Since Tomure had on his special gloves, so it was safe for Shoto to cling to him for the entire thing. And he had been. The entire time.

It seemed that everyone was having a great time, even Shigaraki to some extent. But Todoroki jus felt so anxious, worried that they would loose one of their friends or they would get lost in the crowds of people. He wanted to have fun! But he just couldn't relax and enjoy himself.

"Let's go see the pumpkins! I heard that the first place winner is nearly as tall as the judge!!" Toga suggested, tearing off come cotton candy from its cone.
"Sounds cool! That's so boring!! " Twice both agreed and disagreed with Today's suggestion. Todoroki bumped lightly against a person, who was too intuned to their conversation to care. Todoroki silently apologized, his anxiety going through the roof.

Todoroki clung tightly onto Shigaraki's arm, hiding half of his face into his shoulder. Shigaraki looked down at Todoroki, confused. Todoroki usually wasn't this clingy. Suddenly, the older male stopped walking, his boyfriend copying this despite being shocked by the sudden stop. "Why did you stop??" Todo questioned. Tomura cupped Shoto's face in his hands, looking into Shoto's tired panicked eyes.

Tomura's red orbs showed traces of sadness and worry in them, his expression series. "What's wrong?"
Todoroki's bottom lip trembled, his eyes growing watery. ' Don't cry, you mother fucking stupid bitch don't cry in front of him. ' Todoroki scolded himself inside his head, trying to move away from the older male's hold so he could hide his tears.

But Shiggy didn't budge, holding the young male in place. "I'm fine, I'm sorry." Todoroki apologized, tears rolling down his porcelain cheeks. Shigaraki let out a sigh, pulling Todoroki into a hug, letting him cry into his hoodie. "I'm s-sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so st-stupid, I'm so sorry Tomura. Pl-please don't hate me.."
"Oh baby boy," Tomura planted a gentle kiss on Shoto's head, "my beautiful princess."

"You two coming?" Toga asked, seeing that the two love birds were no longer following the group.
The villain boss turned to his workers, hugging Todoroki tighter to him, "We'll catch up, go on ahead."
"Alright..don't get lost okay?" Toga spoke with hint of worry in her voice. She could tell that Sho-Sho was having trouble again.

The cornflower blue haired man led the shorter peppermint haired male to a more secluded area, away from wondering eyes. "Was it because of all those people? Where you scared of them?" Shigaraki questioned, running his gloved fingers through Todoroki's silky hair.
"Th-there was so many, we could h-have been caught at any point, a-and w-we would have been hurt."
"I know, this is a risky hang out. But we're gonna leave soon, okay? Real soon."

"I don't want to loose any of us. I don't wanna loose you."
"You won't loose me," Shiggy replied with a rare kind smile, "what else was bothering you?"
"I..I was feeling so sad..and n-nothing was causing it. I h-hate it when I get like this...its stupid of me!"
"Your not stupid and you know that. It's okay to get sad sometimes, I believe."

Shoto snuggles closer to his boyfriend's chest, "I just..hate people so much. Except for the League, I like them, even Dabi. I love you."
Shigaraki let out a single airy chuckle, "I love you too. Now, let's go find the others and get back home. The smell of fried food and cigarettes are making me sick."
Shoto smiled, hugging tightly onto Tomura as they walked towards the pumpkin stage.

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