😱Shocking Dare😳

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(It's short, but meh ¯\_()_/¯)

"Hey, Shoto?" Toga looked up from her diary, which she had been writing a love letter to Hero Killer Stain. Todoroki, who was trying to open his second bottle of wine for the night, was busy searching for the cork screw. Kurogiri must have hidden it somewhere nearby. Todoroki sighed lightly in defeat, before looking over at Toga.
"Yeah?" Shoto drawled, a tipsy from his previous bottle of wine.
"Can I ask you a kinda awkward question?" Toga inquired, leaning against the edge of the bar's counter top.

"Sure." Todoroki shrugged. Normally he would have said no, but his drunken nature subsided those usual boundaries. Toga glanced around the room, making sure no one else was there. Especially Dabi and Hawks. Lord know they didn't need to hear this question.
"Have you ever called Tomura 'Daddy'?" Together asked, her golden cat-like eyes glowing with curiosity.
"Eh? Why would I do that? He's not my dad." Todoroki stated, as if the fact was not obvious. If he wasn't drunk, he would have totally tried avoiding the question. But, he was not, so here we are.

"No, I mean like while you two are having sex. Do you call him Daddy then?"
"I still don't understand, why would I do that?"
Toga suddenly smirked devilishly, "I dare you to call Tomura-Kun Daddy when he gets back!"
Todoroki's own eyes lit up, but instead of curiosity, it was with determination.
"Are you challenging me?" Todoroki quirked a brow.
"Oh yes I am." Toga nodded, smirking.
"Are you sure you wanna do that?"
"Try me. I double dare you."

Todoroki's eyes widened, their glossy look coming from his drunkenness, "You better think this through Himiko-Chan, your entering dangerous grounds."
Toga grinned wide, "I triple dog dare you." Todoroki gasped, she was serious.
"Alright Himiko-Chan, I accept your challenge." Todoroki spoke with unfamiliar pride, he even held up his chin. Toga smirked again, this would be entertaining.

Shigaraki returned ten minutes later, and quickly went to the bar area where Todoroki was. "How was the trip?" Toga asked her boss.
"Boring," Shigaraki replied, "I need a drink." Shoto ducked down under the bar, and the sounds of bottles being moved around arose. Todoroki reappeared with a bottle of whiskey, placing it down in front of Tomura's. "Thanks babe." Shigaraki opened the bottle, taking a quick swig from it.
"Your welcome daddy!" Todoroki spoke, his voice having a drunken bubbliness to it. Tomura's choked, spitting out the whiskey in his mouth. Toga snorted, covering her mouth and nose a she tried to hold back laughter.

Shigaraki noticed Toga's sudden burst of laughter, and quickly assumed she had something to do with this. "You okay daddy? Was the whiskey not any good?" Todoroki asked, and Shigaraki felt his face get hot. Toga once again had to keep himself from laughing, but it was getting difficult for her.
"The whiskey was fine." Shigaraki mumbled quickly and quietly, folding his hands together and leaning his forehead against them. Todoroki grabbed a wash clothes, drying the whiskey off Tomura's face. Toga finally lost it, the fact that Shoto had no idea what was happening making her laugh so hard she fell off her chair.

"SHUT UP!!" Shigaraki snapped at Toga, his face pink, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!" Himiko's laughter didn't cease, and Shigaraki got up and left in a huff. Todoroki was confused, the affects of the wine wearing away.
"Did I say something wrong?" Todoroki asked, and Toga's howling laughter grew.

(Might make a part two ✌😛)

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