💙Shigaraki's Insomnia😵‍💫

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Shigaraki lay awake, staring up at his blank white ceiling. He turned his head and grabbed his phone off the bedside table, turning it on briefly to check the time. 2:41 A. M. Shigaraki groaned, he needed some sleep. He felt so tired, drained both physical and mentally. He hated when his insomnia would pop up at the times when he really wanted/needed sleep. It was so annoying.

Shigaraki turned his head to look over at the other side. Shoto wasn't there beside him. It was a school week, so Shoto had to stay at the dorms. It was no wonder Tomura couldn't get a wink of sleep, he only slept when Shoto was there with him. Tomura groaned, running his slender fingers through his long hair. He knew what he was about to do was childish, but then again he did act childish sometimes.

Tomura grabbed his phone again, going into his contacts and tapping onto Shoto's number. Pushing the call button, Shigaraki sat up and held the device to his ear. "Please...please pick up.." Tomura begged softly. He needed to hear that silvery voice again. It was the only thing that could help him sleep at this point.

Todoroki awoke to his phone ringing. Normally, he would have ignored it, but this ringtone was different. It was one of Shigaraki's video game intro songs, so natural and obviously Todoroki knew who was calling almost immediately. Sitting up lazily, Shoto answered the call, holding his phone up to his ear. "Mmm, hello?" Shoto's voice came out in a sleepy hum, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"Hey, did I wake you?" The older male asked, already relieved by hearing his sweetheart's voice.
"No no, I've been up for-" Todoroki's sudden yawn cut him off, "hours..."
"Right," Shigaraki chuckled, "listen babe, I need a favor from you."
"What's up?" Todoroki inquired, leaning against the wall where his futon laid up against.

"Could you talk to me for a bit? Just until I fall asleep."
"Sure hon, what should just talk about?"
"Anything. Rant about one of your theories or something."
"Harty har har." Todoroki smirked, rolling his eyes. He hummed, thinking for a moment.

"Well, I went to sleep Monday night, and I guess I had a dream about living out Tuesday. I only remember parts of it, like what Aizawa-Sensei's lesson was about, what I ate for lunch, and even training after school. But when I actually woke up, I thought it was Wednesday when it was Tuesday. So the rest of the entire day felt off. "
"That's weird," Shigaraki had laid down, his body feeling relaxed and heavy, breathing relaxed, "did you..like, skip into another universe?"

"I don't know," Shoto shrugged, "Another thing I found out was a bunch of interesting facts about axolotls. Did you know that they look like babies for their entire lives? Or that they can regenerate body parts? Even entire heads?"
"Mmm...no I didn't know that.." Shigaraki's eyes closed, a pleasant smile on his face.

"Something else weird happened today, I thought that I had been talking to Uraraka, but it turned out to be Toga in disguise. Did you send her on a mission or something? Tomura?" Shoto could hear light snoring from the other end of the call. He smiled, "Good night, love." Shoto ended the call, slipping back underneath his own covers, tiredness returning to him and making it easy to fall right back to sleep.

I'mma go sleep now, byyyyeee.

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