📋The Boy🧒🏻 pt 3

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Day 7:

Todoroki hadn't planned on doing much today; all the chores he could think of had been finished, so he would just be doing his own thing in between Tenko's schedule. At the moment he was watching the News, his little friend seated beside him as per usual.

"Don't worry, this won't count against your TV time." Todoroki mentions, patting the top of that porcelain head before drawing his attention back to the television screen.

"This just in," the reporter speaks in a urgent tone, "two bodies have been found washed up on the cost line of Zushi Beach. Police suspect that they committed suicide by jumping off a nearby bridge. Two sketches of the deceased have been made and I will show these to you all viewing in just a moment. If you have any information about these two individuals, please contact your local police station and you will receive a cash reward."

Shoto's heart stopped and his gut lurched as two photos of sketches appear side by side on the screen.

They looked exactly like Mr and Mrs. Shimura...

' Did..did they really...? '

Todoroki's breathing quickened, standing up and nearly falling down due to his legs becoming like jelly. He couldn't think straight, what was going on?! Grabbing the sides of his head, Todoroki dug his fingers into his temples, whimpering and gasping as he felt the sudden urge to vomit.

What was he going to do? He was told to remain here, but he couldn't watch after a house when the owners are dead! And what about Tenko? Would he just take him back home?? He couldn't do that to him!! "Fuck," Shoto hisses, pacing around sporadically as his anxiety began to overwhelm him again, "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-AAH!!"

He let out a yelp as the house phone that was attached to the wall near the kitchen entrance began to ring loudly, visible shaking slightly from its own noise. Todoroki swallows hard, slowly approaching the phone and picking it up. Holding it up to his ear, he managed to squeak out in a shaky tone, "H-hello?"

A raspy child's voice then spoke on the other end, the sound making Shoto's blood run cold and sweat form on his forehead, "Don't leave me, Shoto. Stay here forever." Without thinking Shoto's flight response kicked in, making him drop the phone and race like a cheetah back to his room.

Slamming the door closed, Shoto collapses to the floor and begins to hyperventilate as fat, stress-filled tears poured from his eyes. His hands covered his ears, trying to make himself deaf to the entire world around him, to forget that spine chilling voice. Todoroki hiccups so hard it physically hurts; he wished Fuyumi was here with him. She of all people would probably know what to do.

Suddenly he heard footsteps coming down the hall, so Todoroki quickly slapped a hand over his mouth to silence himself. He could partly see a shadow coming from underneath the door, two knocks coming right after and making Shoto flinch before his body relaxed back to its prior state.

"Please stay with me. I promise I'll be good." Said the voice from the phone.

The sound of a tray being settled down on the floor was heard after a few moments of silence, "I made you a snack." Footsteps wandered back down the hall and once he was fairly sure it was safe Todoroki got up and peeked out into the hall.

On the ground was a tray with what looked like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Looking around, Todoroki saw that the door further down the hall--Mr and Mrs. Shimura's room--was now opened, and he could see Tenko sitting on the bed, head turned to him.

Shoto was still crying as he slowly began to smile, which eventually lead into crazed chuckling as he took the tray into his room. ' I must really be going insane..' Todoroki says inside his head, sitting on his knees on the floor as he stared down at the triangular-cut sandwich. After a while his laughter settles, still shaky hands reaching out to take a piece of the food.

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