💡Light Weight ⚖️

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Todoroki shifted around on Shigaraki's back, trying to get more comfortable as he was being carried. "Quit moving around so much," warned the older, having to re-adjust his hold on his boyfriend's thighs because of his movements, "I'll end up dropping you." Todoroki mutters back a slur of words that Shigaraki can't understand for the life of him.

" 'I don't get drunk easily' he says," Shigaraki grumbled under his breath, mocking the younger's previousstatements from earlier that night, " 'I have a high tolerance, I'll be just fine' he says." Yes, clearly Shoto has the amazing tolerance he so desperately claims he has. Six shots later and he's stumbling around the streets singing pop songs with Toga and Twice at random passersbys, then claiming that they have no taste in music.

But there was a slight bright side to this, at least for future events like this. Shigaraki learned two things tonight;
1. Shoto is a light weight
2. Shoto is surprisingly loud and eccentric when drunk

Finally making it back to the hideout, Shigaraki breathes a sigh of relief. "Babe?" He calls out, lightly bouncing his thighs to get his attention. No response. ' Must have knocked himself out..' Shigaraki theorized, fishing out the keys from his jacket pocket. Unlocking the front door, Shigaraki swiftly steps inside and kicks the door closed with his foot. For safety, he locks the door again. The others knew where the spare key was anyway.

Shigaraki trudged to his bedroom. Due to a previous fight with Dabi, the latch on Shigaraki's bedroom door was now broken. At least at the moment it was useful, only being opened by a nudge from the tall man's knee. Making sure to be careful, Shigaraki dropped Todoroki onto the bed. He can't help but let out a quiet chuckle at the way Shoto laid out in a sea star shape.

Red/white hair framed the young man's perfect face, and despite the sleepless bags still prominent under his eyes, he looked to be peaceful. His chest rises and falls steadily and his closed eyelids fluttered a bit. Shigaraki removed his trench coat, continuously peering through Father's fingers at his boyfriend.

Leaving the room briefly, Shigaraki went into Toga's room in search for makeup wipes. She had advised her boss before he broke from the group to take Shoto back home to wipe the makeup off before letting him sleep. Just so it wouldn't end up hurting his skin. Since he wasn't a makeup expert--he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between blush and eyeshadow--Tomura just went into the bathroom, took a wash cloth and poured warm water over it.

Wringing the excess water out, Shigaraki quickly went back to his room. Upon entering, he saw Shoto sitting up in bed, swaying slightly from side to side. His clothes were ruffled and wrinkled, hair sticking up in every direction. His eyes were barely open, just showing small slivers of his orbs before they fully closed and he began rubbing at them like a child.

"Hey now, don't do that. You'll get your eyeshadow everywhere." Shigaraki knelt down in front of Todoroki, shooing his hands away from his face. Gray/turquoise eyes study Shigaraki in vague recognition. They close instinctively as Shigaraki brought the wet cloth over them, wiping the makeup away from the skin.

Shigaraki could smell the alcohol scent permeating the air around Todoroki, which he could definitely say wasn't ideal for the young man. But through that he could still detect the original scent Todo had worn that day; cinnamon. Shoto tended to smell like honey or mint, it depended on the body/hair wash he decided to use. On special occasions--or on days off--Todoroki would wear some type of perfume or Cologne that went along with the event.

Finishing the task of wiping off the makeup, Tomura tossed away the wash cloth without much thought about it. He then looked at what his boyfriend had on; a basic black turtle neck, dark navy blue skinny jeans, and a dark brown coat that he had yet to take off. It had been fairly cold outside, but inside the base it was warm and snug so there was no use for all this form fitting clothing.

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