🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻Date Night🌙

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8:30 P. M: Gaming

As Shigaraki powered up his old Nintendo, Todoroki shifted around a green plastic bowl filled with Cheeto puffs. "What are you doing?" Shigaraki questioned, seeing Todoroki had begun rearranging the snacks that were laid out. There was three bowls, about medium in size, filled with chips. One was Cheeto puffs (as mentioned earlier), the other was filled with Doritos, and the final was filled with plain chips. There were bags of different candies, mostly sour gummies. And finally there was a bowl filled with ice with Ramune carbonated drinks chilling in there.

"It looked crooked." Todoroki responded as Shigaraki began searching for video games that he hadn't played in a good long while or ones he hadn't yet shown Shoto.
"Their gonna be moved around regardless babe, I don't think it matters too much." Shigaraki reminded, and Todoroki nodded. Todoroki reached into the ice bowl, taking out a pineapple flavored Ramune, taking the chance before the gaming began.
"Which one do you want?" Todoroki asked.
"Melon." Shigaraki answered, silently telling himself that he needed to go game shopping at some point soon. He was getting bored of his options.

"Do you want to open it or should I?" Todoroki inquired, choosing the coldest melon bottle.
"You can open it." Shigaraki replied. You might think he agreed to Shoto opening it because he's lazy. Your only partly correct. Tomura mainly agreed because he knows that Shoto liked the process of opening Ramune bottles, since they contained a marble that he's made a collection out of. Todoroki opened both of their bottles, handing over the melon to the other male.

"What game do you wanna play?" Shigaraki asked, taking a swig of the melon. He liked blueberry the most, but chose melon since it makes Shoto sick by the taste.
"What about the one with the mushrooms and turtles with wings?" Todoroki suggested.
"That's Super Mario Bros, and their called turtle doves."
"But aren't turtle doves birds?"
"That the joke, it's a play on words."

Shigaraki started up the game, smiling to himself. Shoto really did like this game and he was getting better each time he played it. Todoroki scooted closer to Shigaraki, glancing up at him with a playful glint in his different colored eyes. Shigaraki wanted to tease and pretend he didn't notice this, but his arm automatically snaked around Todo's waist briefly to pull him closer. "What character do you want?" The older male questioned as he chose two player mode.
"Eh? You mean Luigi?"
"Yeah, him. He's green guy, right?"

Shigaraki chuckled, "Yes baby, he's the green guy." That was Sho's only issue; he can't remember the names of the characters very well. (Me)
Since Shigaraki was player one, he went first. Shoto watched him play, leaning on the older male's shoulder. When Shigaraki first started playing video games around Todoroki, he felt awkward about being watched since Kurogiri had never really paid much attention to the game. But anymore, Shigaraki liked having an audience, and by audience I mean just Shoto watching him.

Shigaraki used a cheat in the game to jump ahead to the fifth level, and soon reached Browser's castle. Sadly, Shigaraki died due to being caught by a ghost. Or did he? "Did you kill yourself on purpose?" Todoroki interrogated, giving the taller male a suspicious look.
"Who? Me? I would never, you know how much pride I put into my gaming skills." Tomura answered, his tone unreadable as he took the bowl of Cheeto puffs and began to snack on them.

"Hmm.." Todoroki narrowed his eyes some as he hummed suspiciously, but ultimately began playing the game. Unlike Shigaraki, Todoroki didn't use the cheat to skip levels. He was still new to this whole gaming thing, and he liked taking his time with the levels. Plus, Todoroki wants to save Princess Peach the proper way; by playing the whole game through.

But this would still take some time, since Todoroki lost one of Luigi's lives by stomping on a turtle then it coming back like a boomerang and hitting him. "He got my ankles!!" Todoroki shouted as the even occurred, making Tomura snort lightly in amusement.

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