🔄Swapped Eyes👀

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@percy_peace_ okay but like, I loved this soulmate suggestion.

Todoroki Shoto eyes slowly opened upon hearing his alarm. He grumbled, he didn't want to get up out of bed. It was a Saturday, so he should have been happy, or at least thankful. But Shoto wasn't the least bit thankful. Why? Because today was his 16th birthday. Now, he never liked his birthday in the first place, but this year it would be even worse than usual.

On a person's 16th birthday, their eye color would switch with their soulmate's eye color. Shoto personally thought he didn't have a soulmate. And if his eyes weren't the same color...he didn't know what he'd do. He certainly wasn't going on a man-hunt for whoever it was. He just didn't care, and couldn't understand the big whoop behind the whole thing.

Besides, Shoto already had a crush, and finding out his crush wasn't his soulmate would be very disappointing. Who is Shoto's crush? Well, it's his boss Shigaraki Tomura. Shoto had joined the League not long before going into UA. They were the ones who recommend him for the Hero course.

Todoroki sat up yawning as he rub the sleep out of his tired eyes. Todoroki glanced to his mirror, and let out a surprised yelp as he saw a shocking sight. His eyes we're red, no longer their original mix-matched turquoise and gray. Todoroki got up from bed, standing to his feet as he rubbed at both of his eyes. He blinked rapidly, trying to make sure it wasn't a hallucination.

But it was real. Completely real.
Todoroki backed up from the mirror, who's eyes did he have? Bakugou has red eyes. Kirishima has red eyes. Iida has red eyes. Shigaraki has....
Shoto quickly grabbed his phone, opening his messages.

Shoto: Hey, I was just wondering if your eye color has changed this morning.

Todoroki texted this message to Bakugou, Kirishima, and Iida, before he began to get dressed as fast as he possible could. "I gotta go," Shoto muttered to himself as he grabbed his messenger bag and flung it around his shoulder, "like, right now!" Shoto swung open his bedroom door, about to bolt out, but forced himself to stop and freeze. If he had gone any further, Shoto would have ran into his sister, Fuyumi.

Fuyumi held in her hands a wrapped gift, her face wearing a surprised expression. She blinked, before smiling wide in excitement, "Yours eyes Shoto! Your eyes are red!"
"Yes, I noticed. I have to leave for a little while-"
"Don't leave yet! Come show Natsu and Dad!" Before he could stop her, Fuyumi grabbed Shoto's hand, pulling him down stairs to the kitchen.

"Dad! Natsu! Look!" Fuyumi called out, causing Natsuo and Enji to look over in confusion.
Natsuo's face lit up with joy, "You got a soulmate Sho!! Haha!! I told you so!!"
"Red?" Enjoy was a bit puzzled, "Doesn't your friend Bakugou have red eyes?"
"Yes, but I haven't gotten a reply back! I gotta go, be back in about an hour or so! "
"Wait Shoto! Wanna open your present from mom first?"

Todoroki paused once again, feeling a bit hasty with time, but knew he could spare some of it. "Okay, if it will make you happy." Shoto nodded, sitting down at the table where Fuyumi had pointed for him to go.
"Mom gave me this to give you last time I visited since she couldn't make it again this year." Fuyumi explained as Todoroki undid the bow at the top of the box and removed the lid. Inside the box was a metal locket in the shape of a heart, which had wings on its sides;

 Inside the box was a metal locket in the shape of a heart, which had wings on its sides;

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(I want that necklace so much)

Fuyumi helped Shoto put the necklace on, and then his phone suddenly went off, signaling a text. Checking it, Shoto saw it had come from Iida.

Iida-Kun🏃🏻💨: No, they have not! I am guessing you're eyes have changed?

Todoroki Shoto: Yes, they have. Thanks for replying Iida.

Iida-Kun🏃🏻💨: No problem at all! Also, happy birthday!!

Todoroki Shoto: Thanks.

"I'm sure you'll figure it all out Sho!" Fuyumi, who had been reading the conversation, gently reassured her brother with a pat on his shoulder.
"I hope so. I'll see you all within the next few hours or so." With that, Todoroki left the house, his fingers gently fiddling with his new locket. His phone went off again, and Todoroki nearly dropped his phone as he went to check it.

Kiri-Bro🦈💪: Nah bro, why?

Todo-Bro🔥❄️: Mine had changed to red this morning, so I was wondering us yours did too.

Kiri-Bro🦈💪: Oh right your birthday is today!!! Happy birthday bro!!!

Todo-Bro🔥❄️: Thanks.

Todoroki sighed, two more guesses as to who it could be.

Shigaraki sat up from bed, his alarm finally getting on his nerves. He slowly stood up, stretching as he yawned. Glancing at his phone, he saw that his calendar was reminding him that today was Shoto's birthday. Tomura could faintly hear Toga chatting up the place, most likely getting something together for Shoto's birthday. Maybe she was baking a half red and half white cake or something. Shigaraki glanced over at a mirror he had on his wall, and quickly spat out, "What the fuck??!!" His eyes we're no longer their normal red, instead one was turquoise and the other was gray.

Looking closer into the mirror, it clicked that these were Shoto's eyes. Toga suddenly knocked on her boss's door, "Get up Tomura!! Your helping with the decorations!!"
"Uh, is Dabi out there?"
"No, he's keeping himself locked in his room."
Shigaraki sighed with some relief, maybe Dabi would just stay in his room all day and not come out. That would save Shigaraki the headache.

Todoroki arrived to the LOV's base, just as he got a reply back from Bakugou.

Angry Pomeranian💥: NO DON'T TEXT ME


Angry Pomeranian💥: SHUT UP

Todoroki entered the base, shutting the door behind him, his eyes covered by sunglasses with dark lenses. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" The members of the League cheered, making Todoroki nearly jump out of his skin.
"What's with the sunglasses?" Spinner pointed out.
"You got your soul mates eyes today, right???" Toga reaches out for the sunglasses.

Todoroki didn't stop her, though he was being inside his mind for her not to remove them. Everyone's jaw dropped, seeing Todoroki's red eyes. Just then, Shigaraki sainted into the room, and everyone gasped at his own eyes.
"I KNEW IT!! PAY UP!" Twice held out his palm to Spinner, who grumbled and handed over some money.

(Idk how to end this off if been trying to figure it out for months. Soo...ye)

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