👨‍🦰Daddy Issues🥲

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Okay, so, if you don't like physical abuse, please don't read. This was hard for me to write😅.
And no, I'm not dead, sadly, just haven't gotten any good ideas for chapters. So far, this chapter and another one that was requested are coming out.

Shoto's hands gripped at his ears, muffling out the loud sound of his father's booming voice, Natsou's harsh threats. If not obvious enough, Natsuo was arguing with Enji. Arguing for the past hour. About what exactly? Shoto didn't know. All he knew, was that Fuyumi had came upstairs right before the arguing started, and told Shoto to remain inside his bedroom. "Why? Is something wrong?" Shoto had asked with concern. Fuyumi's usually happy face was glum and disappointed as she let out a tired sigh. She pulled a smile, but Shoto knew it was a fake smile.

"Of course not, everything is just fine! I just want you to get to bed early tonight. I know you haven't been sleeping good." Fuyumi advised her brother. Shoto knew something was up, but he didn't want to bother his sister anymore with his questions. He just nodded, muttering a barely audible, "Okay.." before Fuyumi shut the door and went back down stairs.

"Please," Shoto's hushed voice muttered in a begging plead, "please just..." He didn't know what he wanted. At least, he didn't know what he wanted to say out loud. He wished he wasn't at home. He wished he was somewhere else. Anywhere else but here would be enough.
All of a sudden, there was a slamming noise and everything went very quiet. Extremely quiet. Before there was another slam and the shouting started up again.

Well, even though he didn't want to disobey his sister's wishes, Shoto bolted up from his bed and left his room. His ears buzzed with slight pain from the loud voices. Natsuo and Enji because he looked like their heads would explode from all the fury they were in, and it was obvious Enji wanted to hit something. Fuyumi wasn't down here. Maybe that was a good thing..

Natsuo quickly noticed Shoto, and his tone softened, but just a little bit, "What are you doing down here Sho? I thought Fuyu told you to stay upstairs?"
"What's..what's going on?" Shoto asked, trying to keep his tone as steady as he could.
Enji did not turn to look at his youngest as he spoke, voice not as loud, but still in the same furious threatening manner, "Go to your room Shoto, none of this concerns you."

Natsuo shot a glare to his father, before looking back at Shoto, "Go to bed Shoto, you have school tomorrow."
"No," Shoto noticed the way his father's clenched fist shook as he spoke his refusal, "not when your fighting like this."
"Sho, please." Natsuo sighed, slightly annoyed at his brother's stubbornness.
"I already said no Natsu-"

Shoto was cut off by a harsh force suddenly crashing into the right side of his face, knocking him to the floor with a hard thud. The wooden floor did nothing to soften the impact whatsoever. Natsou's body suddenly became froze to the spot, grey eyes widening. Just like he and Fuyumi always had. "GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM, DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME JUST DO IT!!!" Enji screamed, his body reacting how he used to always react, sending devastating blows to his son's body, which bruised and broke the skin.

Then, like a switch being flipped on, Enji's senses returned to him. Realizing he had gone back to his old habits in a flash of an instant. Enji stumbled backwards, away from his son, who slowly lifted his upper body up off the floor from its crumbled heap.
Shoto's blood splotched Enji's knuckles, making it look like he had punched something so hard that they had bleed. "Sh-Shoto...I...I.." Enji didn't know what to say. He wanted to be better, truly, he did. But look at what he had done. Like an addict going back to their old drug infested roots.

Shoto, seeing the large enough space between where his father stood and the front door, took the chance. He leapt from where he had been beaten, despite it hurting like a bitch, and out of the house. "SHOTO WAIT!!" Both Natsuo and Enji cried out, extending out their arms, but neither going after the boy. It was snowing hard outside, pretty much a storm. Snowflakes covered and stuck to Shoto's body, more so on the right side than the left side.

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