🌶🌸Spicy + Fluffy Headcannons💙❤️

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I got bored, don't judge me
Also some of the headcannons get a bit pornographic. Sooo, +18 warning.


1. When Todoroki has panic attacks, caused by built up stress or out sometimes they come out of nowhere, Shigaraki will pull Todoroki onto his lap and hold him while he pets Shoto's head and rub his back.

2. Shigaraki will throw hissy fits if Todoroki wakes up earlier than usual, be it because of school work or because he just decided to get up. He will refuse to let Todoroki get out of bed, clinging and whining to his boyfriend to come back to bed. 8/10 times Shigaraki will get his way.

3. The first time Todoroki hugged Shigaraki was before they started dating and their relationship status was 'BFFs'. Todoroki was leaving the base to go back to his father's house to get ready for the UA tryouts, and had hugged Shigaraki as a way of saying goodbye since he really didn't like saying goodbye. Since he has never been given physical touch growing up, due to the nature of his quirk and hating everyone, this bit of affection made Shigaraki cry. Obviously the tears started when Todoroki left the base, but it was still shocking for him and especially Kurogiri.

4. Now let's talk about the first time Todoroki cried in front of Shigaraki. This occurred when they first started dating, like within the third or so month. Shigaraki has a hard time confessing to a lot of his feelings, so it was understandably frustrating for him to say 'I love you' back to Todoroki whenever he said it. The first time he said it was as the two were walking back to the base from a mission, where they were laughing about the reactions they got out of the heroes they had just killed. As they settled down from their laughter, Shigaraki finally said 'I love you' to his boyfriend. This put the other off guard, having not expected that at all, especially outside of the base. Loosing his cool, calm and collected composer, Shoto began to cry, since Tomura was the first person to ever tell him 'I love you' besides his mother. At first Shigaraki panicked, thinking he had said something wrong, but calmed down when Todoroki explained he was just really happy that Shigaraki said that.
(Side note for me later: make this a chapter. Ya bozo)

5. Todoroki is currently thinking about getting Shigaraki a pet, but is skeptical about what to get him. He is worried that getting a dog (especially a corgi) will give Shigaraki war flashbacks back to his childhood dog. Shigaraki also likes rabbits and reptiles, so there are definitely other options.

6. Thanks to Shigaraki, Todoroki's favorite game is Animal Crossing.

7. Shigaraki hates people touching Todoroki, especially other males. Their friends in the League are fine, but they can't hold onto Todoroki for more than a few minutes before Shigaraki comes pushing them off of his boyfriend.

8. To say Shigaraki is protective is an understatement. He's lost many lower rank nomu because he's sent them out to watch over Todoroki. Like humongous body guards. Todoroki finds this a bit ridiculous since he can protect himself just fine.

9. Todoroki and Shigaraki like the Gore manga Pumpkin Night, mainly because of the gorey nature of the book. Luckily they can read Japanese (unlike me and I assume most of you), so they definitely have a better translation of it than us who read the English translation. They read the manga and make up voices for the characters, showing how they think each of the characters sound. Shigaraki wishes there was an anime version of the series since he doesn't like reading, but Todoroki knows that the series is much too gorey for the average anime watcher. He's thinking about animating episodes of Pumpkin Night himself, he just needs the right equipment first.
(I'm drawing Shigaraki and Todoroki as Pumpkin Night and The Pumpkin King aka Naoko and Kazuya)

10. Todoroki likes sketching Shigaraki whole he's gaming or making plans for the League. At first Shigaraki found this a tad strange, but grew to not mind it as much. Todoroki has an entire sketch book just for Shigaraki.

1. Shigaraki has a long tongue. That's it. He just gives me that sorta long-tongued vibe. I imagine his tongue being about 4 or 5 inches long (do keep in mind that the average male tongue is usually about 3.1 inches).
(I will definitely make a chapter about Shoto finding out about Tomura's long tongue)

2. Back on the subject of Shigaraki's tongue, unless it's a quick kiss on the cheek or lips, he always kisses with tongue.

3. Todoroki's canine and incisor teeth are sharp, think of like a cat or bat's teeth.

4. The idea of 'eating out' makes Shoto flustered/shy since he finds it embarrassing since he's a boy not a girl. Shigaraki however isn't bothered by the idea and it actually makes him aroused.

5. They have each other's first name branded somewhere on their bodies.

6. They have talked about doing cock warming.

7. Shigaraki had clutched the headboard so tightly while doing good 'it' that he had broken off chunks of it. Funny thing is neither of them noticed till afterwards.

8. Something Shigaraki and Todoroki are really into is edging and BDSM. Shigaraki likes the control he has over Todoroki's body and release, he also relishes in the fact that Todoroki listens and obeys everything he is told to do. Todoroki loves when Shigaraki takes control over his body in those intimate moments, and also finds it sexy the way he growls orders to him.

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