🧠Headcannons Cause Ive got Writers Block🥲

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The title says it all. Let's get going.

1. So remember the whole USJ thing? Well the night before it went down Shoto was being told the plan and how he was supposed to act and respond to certain things. During the conversation, Kurogiri points out that Shoto needs to watch himself and not call them by their names, just 'the villains'. He also could not say 'hi' to them.

Now ever since he was little, Shoto always greeted those he trusted—Tomura, Kurogiri, Sensei—with either a little wave and/or verbal 'hello'. So, for him to be told not to talk to them, Shoto was kinda upset. Like literally after he was told this, his eyes got all wide and soft like a puppy and he spoke in such a saddened tone, "What??"

He just gets so bothered by the fact he can't even say hi to them! And then Shigaraki feels bad for him cause he likes Shoto's little 'hellos'.
It's so cute!

2. Now, I am a believer that in the omega-verse AU there is more to it than just mating. Correct me if I'm not the only one who thinks of this or has ranted before, but just hear me out.

Alpha's are naturally pretty emotional. Whether they choose to hide them or not is up to them, but depending on the severity of what they're feeling, it eventually will come out one way or another.

Like say if Midoriya was an alpha it would make sense since he is pretty emotional and prone to crying easily.
Bakugo's anger gets the best of him and he's famous for his blowouts.
And so on and so forth.

You know how it's been proven that cats purring helps with lowering stress hormones? Well this makes me think that since Omegas have been know to make purring-like noises that they can and instinctively do use them to help Alphas with their emotions.

So picture this my mentally unstable friends;
Shigaraki is known to have fits/tantrums where his frustrations and rage are released.

He's done this ever since presenting his second gender—is it gender or some other term? I can't remember all this AU crap—and really can't help it most of the time.

Feelings are hard to control and understand, so he mainly just keeps them all inside until they come exploding out.

Now Shoto, being an Omega, has learned that his purrs help to sooth Tomura for a time. Sp whenever another tantrum is in sue, he starts purring to calm his partner down.

It goes like this:

Shigaraki is in the bar, smashing bottles and breaking shelves off the wall, even decaying the All Might poster for good measure. Shoto emerges from his room and waits until he gets a good opening.

When he goes he lurches forward and hugs Shigaraki tightly, immediately starting to purr while simultaneously nuzzling into the older's neck. Almost instantly Shigaraki starts to calm down, though still pissy over whatever happened that caused him so much anger in the first place.

I love this.

3. I imagine that the big Nomu from the USJ attack was Shoto's favorite and he was really upset that he was lost.

Not wanting Shoto to be upset by the loss of something that I think we can consider a pet, he got Doc to some how give him another Nomu just for Shoto. Maybe Doc thinks Shoto is a little more responsible so that's why he agreed?

So anyways Shigaraki gives Shoto a Nomu just for him and omfg this boy loves it. He also thinks it's really considerate of his boss to think of his feelings about loosing Grimace Nomu.

I'm trying to give the Nomu's nicknames 🥲

4. Okay correct me if I'm wrong or not--i haven't completed understood it yet--but can't Shigaraki control what he wants to decay in the manga? I'm pretty sure that's what's happened. But correct me if i got it wrong.

Anyways is there true then WOOO BOY I'MMA GET ON A ROLL HERE

Tomura would he so happy to not have to worry about hurting Shoto, like they could sleep in normal, intimate positions whereas before he had to worry about where his hands would be while he slept.

I can picture him just holding Shoto's face in his hands and just staring at him for so long. And Sho just let's him cause the whole time his boyfriend has an adorable yet goofy ass smile on his face.

All this time Shoto has had to cling to Tomura's sleeves or hold pinkies but now they can hold hands!!!

5. I think Shigaraki sometimes just randomly bites Shoto when they're in bed together. Like they'll be watching a movie and Shigaraki just pick up Shoto's arm and CHOMP.

Blessed with a high pain tolerance, the feeling of the bite doesn't bother Shoto much, but it still distracts him from the movie.

So he flicks Shigaraki's forehead or nose to try and get him to stop but it doesn't work so he just gives up and let's himself serve as a fucking chew toy.

Praise this brave little soldier.

Anyways that's all I got for now I'm trying to hurry up with updates. Byyeee

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