🛀 Bath Time⏰

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Shigaraki was panicking. They had all just escaped the grasps of the Heroes, but at a few costs. First off, Twice's mask got ripped, so he had been curled up into a ball and wasn't in the right mental state to continue fighting. Luckily, when they had gotten away, Toga had found a large brown paper bag, and stabbed a smiley face into it. After that, she promptly  shoved it over top of Twice's head.

But, that wasn't the major thing that Shigaraki was panicking about. During the fight, Todoroki had rolled and sprained his right ankle, and was also immobile during the last portion of the fight. He had stayed over beside Twice, both so he wasn't putting weight on his ankle, and to try and calm down the older male as much as he possible could.

Todoroki had tried to convince Tomura that he was okay enough to walk alone, but Shigaraki wasn't having any of that. Normally if something like this had happened, Shigaraki would have helped Shoto walk back to the base. But, his gloves had been lost during the battle, so Tomura had Spinner help Todoroki walk. Despite what everyone thought Shigaraki was going to do or say, which was hell about how his plan hadn't worked or rant about the next move, he stayed silent.

Everyone was surprised by the lack of Shigaraki's voice. It was kinda uncomfortable without it. Though  Shigaraki was leading the way back to the base, it was obvious however that he was panicking. And they all had no doubt that it was mostly about Shoto. As soon as the League crossed the threshold of the base's front door, Shigaraki quickly picked Todoroki up, bridal style, and went to his and Todoroki's shared room.

Spinner had to blink a few times, coming to turns with what had just happened. "Did...did he just...?" Spinner's voice trailed off, looking to the others, making sure they had just saw what he had saw. And luckily for him he was not alone, since everyone else were as confused as Spinner was.
"Yes, indeed he did." Mr. Compress nodded, removing his hat and mask, ruffling his curly brown hair.

"How though??" Spinner questioned further, eyes squinting in confusion.
"I know, right? It's so confusing!" Toga exclaimed, settling Twice down on the sofa, "With someone like Tomura-Kun's body type, you wouldn't expect him to be that strong!"
"Not that impressive," Dabi clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, unimpressed, "Shoto's small. Anyone could lift him up. I bet even Toga could."

Toga looked slightly offended, "For your information mister, I can only lift Shoto-Kun off the ground when I'm hugging him. I can't carry him! But," Toga clasps her hands together, leaning against them as her cheeks flushed pink, "it would be so cute!"
"Sure.." Dabi rolled his eyes, confused as to how anyone could see Shoto as cute.

Shigaraki sat Todoroki down on the end of their bed, his foot being propped up by a chair with a pillow on it. "Are you sure this is necessary Tomura?" Shoto asked, looking a bit conflicted.
"Yes, extremely important!" Shigaraki tugged of his coat, throwing it aside, to which it landed on the floor with a soft pathetic thump. Shoto moved slightly, wanting to reach down for the jacket, and hissed lightly as his ankle sent a shock wave of pain through him.

"Do NOT pick that up! Your injured!" Shigaraki snapped with more force than he meant to say it with. He pointed to the bed, and Shoto sat back down, pouting a bit.
"I just wanna help.." Todoroki mumbled. Shigaraki sighes, picking up his coat from of the floor and tossing it onto the bed.
"You've done more than enough," Shigaraki kissed the top of Shoto's head, rubbing the area with his thumb, "now just stay here and don't move. I'll go run the water for a bath."

"Bath?" Todoroki repeated the word, as if he had never heard it before.
"It'll help with the swelling." Shigaraki opened the bathroom door, kneeling down to the tub, rolling up his sleeves so they did not get wet. Todoroki looked down at his ankle, lips pursing as he cursed at it inside his head. If only he had been more careful..
Shigaraki returned after a few minutes, a few spots on his shirt wet.

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