❤️‍🩹A Beauty Who is an Abomination👹

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Requested by: Me after playing Filia and Painwheel's origin stories while simultaneously watching Edward Scissorhands

Word count: 3,279

Type of story: A plot with angst to the maximum

Basic Summary: While escaping from their mission, the League come across a person massacring multiple police men and heroes. To his own shock, Shigaraki recognizes this person as the boy from his childhood.

Warning(s): talks of mental and physical torture, traumatized characters


"CAN YOU GUYS RUN ANY SLOWER???" Shigaraki shouts as his followers failed to keep up with him.
"I can't help that my legs are short!!!" Toga snaps back as she picks up the pace, much to her leg muscles dismay.
Spinner adds on,"You're also inhumanely fast, boss!!"

"Enough with the arguing!! This is no time for it!!!" Mr. Compress scolds, for good reason too. Having just robbed an old factory in which housed many illegal quirk experiments, they were all being hunted down by many policemen and pro heroes who wanted to take back what had been stolen and arrested them.
This was in fact not the time nor the place for arguments.

Nearing the hidden entrance from which where they had entered the facility, the LOV were just about to leave and get back to their vehicle when the sounds of screams made their bodies freeze up. "What the hell??" Spinner whispers, looking around the cramped hallway they were in for the source of the sound.

"What's going on??" Himiko inquired as she begins to pull apart a withering section of the wall.
Dabi kicks at the door so hard the rust hinges break, "Forget that, let's get out of here!!" allowing the cool midnight breeze to flow inside.

Once the hole was completed, Toga looks inside to see what was happening in the next room over. With an alarmed gasp her hand slaps over her mouth, golden eyes wide as dinner plates. Curious by such an uncommon response from a girl who loved all things chaos, Shigaraki moves past Dabi and Spinner to watch the performance with the teenage girl.

There before him he saw what at first glance appeared to be a human but could have been easily called a monster slicing through police and even the heroes like they were nothing. A huge rip blade styled saw was attached to their back moved with such speed and grace, cutting through human tissue and bone like butter.

Their attire was black with certain items being made of leather and/or metal, but the arms were exposed to show the many scars the ram across the pale skin. Their head was completely hidden by a hood and mask.

(Kinda looks like that, but the mask and sleeves are different)

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(Kinda looks like that, but the mask and sleeves are different)

"Come on, now is our chance! Let's book it!!"
"Yeah, id rather not stay and say hi. LET'S GO INTRODUCED OURSELVES!!!" As they all began to leave, Spinner took notice of Shigaraki refusing to follow.
"Shigaraki, what are you doing?? We need to leave, come on!! "

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