👦🏻🧒🏻Childhood Stories📖

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1. Missing Piece
(Two months into living with AFO)

Tenko Shimura was inside his cramped little room, sat upon the edge of his bed with his head tilted down to the floor. Master had left with the old doctor awhile ago, having said something along the lines of: "We must check up on a special project for you both, we'll be back soon."

Even though having his own space was nice, this room was too quiet to Tenko right now. For the past few weeks he has been being trained by the man to help Tenko learn to keep his quirk under control, seeing as how he was constantly forgeting to not touch things with all five fingers.

Though it did make sense that he was struggling, after all he was two years past the age of when most other children got their quirks. It was only natural that he would struggle. However on top of the stress of learning about and working on his new found powers, that irritating itch had not given up its hold on Tenko either.

Constantly he would be digging at his neck and around his eyes, especially whenever he was alone with his thoughts. His scary, gut-wrenching thoughts. Thoughts that brought with them bad feelings which welled up inside him like a balloon.

' When is Master coming back? ' He ponders, glancing at the bedroom door through Father's fingers. The poor boy didn't know what to do with themself; despite not know the man for long, Tenko felt safe with Master and hated when he left, yet on the other hand he couldn't trust himself enough to even be around people now.

Just then noises from somewhere else in the base started up, sounding like frantic footsteps and a very muffled voice. Waiting there to see if the sounds would die down, Tenko decided to investigate when that did not end up happening. Leaving his room, the red eyed boy follows the noises into the living room.

There he came to a halt as he saw Shoto walking around the room, looking underneath objects and around then in a desperate search. He was also murmuring to himself, "Finish..I need to finish..." over and over while he became more and more upset. On the coffee table was an incomplete puzzle, a single piece missing from the middle.

Tenko watches Shoto, an almost forgotten emotion of mild concern replacing the ease in his heart. Though he wasn't sure whether or not they had met before the highway bridge--he could barely remember anything beyond that and wandering around the streets in dire need of help--Tenko did know that before they knew he could be trusted, Shoto protected him from Master, believing he would hurt them.

A form of solidarity from then formed between both boys, but both had become too anxious to talk to one another. This could be blamed on the events both had not too long ago been subjected to prior to their meeting under the highway.

But from the way Master mentioned him from time to time during lessons, Shoto was important. He never quite specified, but hinted that he would be very significant to Tenko.

Frantic behavior turned into distress as the missing piece could not be found nearby the small book/board game shelf. Shoto's body seemed to shake and he cracked his knuckles, yanking another random puzzle from the wooden structure to begin searching through it.

"No no no no, I need to finish!" Shoto repeats in a near fearful whine, sounding like he was on the edge of tears, "Where is it?? Need to finish, where is it?!" Not sure what exactly to do since he's only ever seen the younger kid with a blank face and practically zero emotions, Tenko subconsciously began to search for the puzzle piece as well.

Roaming around to look underneath the bar stools, the older child soon came up with nothing. However out of the corner of his eye he saw a tiny thing nestled behind a table leg, positioned in such a way that it couldn't have been seen from where Shoto would've been seated.

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