⏰4AM Calls📞

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Something short just until I get this next story out. Have some patience with me 🙏 it's going to be a long one

Requested by: no one

Word count: 995

Type of story: comedic fluff

Basic Summary: It's early in the morning on Sunday and Todoroki gets multiple unwanted phone calls

Warning(s): breaking of phones, Shoto not having a filter


*Brring bring!... Brring bring!... Brring bring!*

Todoroki's hand slams down on the back of his phone, tips of his fingers curling into it as he brings the device up to his ear. "Hello?" he blearily mumbles out at the same time the man beside him shuffles around in the sheets.

"Don't act like you don't have my number saved." Comes the ear-splitting voice of Mineta from the other end of the call.
No, as a matter of fact, he did not have his number saved.

"Did Tsu by any chance with you last night?"
"No," Todoroki sighs while pinching the space between his eyes, "why would she be?"
"Well, she didn't come back to the dorms last night like she usually does, so I was thinking--"
"I doubt that."

"The very idea that you out of everyone I know could have possibly been thinking of anything apart from getting into someone's pants is impossible."

"Don't be so quick to judge, Todoroki! I was just thinking about a fellow classmate's well being! I'm sure Tsu would be thankful that I was concerned enough to--"

"She. Does. Not. Like. You. And based off of what of over heard, that also goes for all the other girls in UA. Hell, even most of the guys barely tolerate you. "


"Is there anything else I can assist you with?"
"Uh.. N-no?"

Without waiting for another word, Shoto hangs up the call and, for added measure, blocks Mineta's number. His head drops like an anvil to the pillow, another low sigh coming from his nose as he tries to settle down.

"Sorry." he apologies in a hushed voice, scarcely audible beyond the ceiling fan's swishing. A few moments later he feels a cold pinkie finger wrap briefly around his own, giving it a squeeze before moving away.

A relieved smile grows on Todoroki's face, thankful that this little interruption of their sleep wasn't taken to heart. Not that he'd have to really worry about that, it was just that Tomura could be grumpy if woken up early.

"Go back to sleep, Shoto." Shigaraki says as if he had sensed that his partner was still up thinking. With an agreeing him, Shoto closes his eyes to journey back into slumber.

However not five minutes later...

*Brring bring!... Brring bring!... Brring bring!*

"Jesus goddamn Christ," Todoroki props himself up on an elbow and snatches his phone with the other's hand, "WHAT?!"

"Do you think Jirou is going to propose to me??"

".. What??"

In a whispering voice that still showed explicit excitement, Yaoyorozu continues on, "She's got this really really nice outfit picked out for our date tomorrow, and I mean like really nice, and she's going to use sugar scrubs and lotions I bought her to smell especially nice."

Todoroki blinks slowly with a dumbfounded look on his face. "I was figuring that today was something important that I had forgotten, but it's just an average day!"

"Yaoyorozu, I really do not care."

"I know I know, but do you think she's going to?"
"What would she even propose to you with?"
"A ring?"

"A ring? You're talking like the candy, right? A ring pop?"
The well-off young woman on the other end gasps, "Todoroki!"
"She doesn't even own a debit card. Besides, you two are teenagers. You don't need marriage. "

A light bump makes contact with Shoto's side and when he goes to look, he finds Shigaraki making a circular motion with his wrist and finger. Wrap this up.

"If you want it so bad, why don't you buy her a ring?"
"Hey...great idea! Thanks Todoroki, you're the best! "

And with that, the girl hangs up.

Slamming his phone down, Todoroki collapses onto the bed face first. An arm curls around his waist and tugs him backwards, but he doesn't fight against it as he knows it's only Tomura.

Shigaraki nuzzles into the crook of his neck,
"I hate them."
"So do I." Todoroki agrees, placing his own arms over top of the older's.

*Brring bring!... Brring br--*

Todoroki doesn't even have the chance to open his eyes before he feel Shigaraki lurching up over his body, which was then followed by a loud crack.

Sitting up he finds his phone across the room, broken nearly in half and laying in a pile of scattered glass shards. In response to this, the peppermint haired male turns his head around to glare at his boss.

Despite this, his still drowsy state made him appear less menacing than he wanted to be. The red eyed man presses a kiss to a sleep-swollen cheek, "I'll get you a new one later."

"I was going to hang up the call."
"They would've called again. Let's go back to sleep." Still pouting over the--in his opinion--overreaction, Todoroki does lay back down but not without hitting the other man's bicep.

"Big baby."

*Brring bring!..Brring bring!..Brring bring!*

"What the hell??"

"That's yours, not mine."

With a groan, Shigaraki grabs his phone and answers the call, "Who the hell is it?"
"Hey boss, do we have milk?" Spinner inquiries as rustling could be heard in the background.

"What the fuck kinda question is that?!" snaps the annoyed leader of the League, "And why are you calling me when you're inside the base??!"

There is silence on the other end for a few moments before the bedroom door swings open, the gecko-man standing in the opening. In his clawed hands was a bowl filled with dry cereal.

"Do we have milk?"


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