🙇🏻Hair Playing💆🏻

545 16 13

Requested by: Author-Chan when she should've been sleeping

Word count: 2,397

Type of story: Fluff

Basic Summary: Shoto has played with Tomura's hair all throughout their lives, so much so it's grown to be one of the man-child's favorite things.


Tenko Shimura: 7
Shoto Todoroki: 5

Recess had just begun and the little kids raced outside onto the playground. Tenko Shimura walked unlike the rest of them, searching around for his friend. His grade would be heading inside in a few minutes, so they only had a limited amount of time to play together.

Luckily he immediately made out half red and half white hair over near metal wire fence, seperating the woods from the playground. Speeding over to the younger kid, Tenko saw him tying tiny weeds together, making a bracelet of sorts out of it.

Tenko gives a small wave, "Hi Shoto!" alerting the other boy of his presence. Shoto was a jumpy kid and wasn't very liked, so Tenko liked to include in the games he played. That is before he had to go back to class. Looking over his shoulder at the voice, Shoto's face softens when he realizes it was only his friend.

"Hi Tenko." Both called each other by their first names, which seemed to most a tad bit too intimate seeing as they're two grade levels apart and spent a good ten minutes together each day. But both kids didn't like their family names, so it wasn't weird to them like it was to the teachers.

"What are you doing?" Tenko inquires, sitting down on grass. He gets a shrug rather than a real answer, but that's okay. Picking a tiny wild flower that grew around the bottom of the fence, twirling it between the pad of his thumb and pointer finger.

Just then he felt something being slipped into his hair, the weight light but noticeable. Turning to the peppermint haired boy, Tenko watched with wide eyes as Shoto continued to tuck flowers into his hair, face expressionless as it usually was but something in his eyes seemed...different.

They weren't cold but warm, soft and concentrated. Not wanting this look to go away, Tenko allows Shoto to continue whatever it was he was doing. Plus it felt kinda nice. Scratch that, it felt very nice. Having someone play with your hair was relaxing, sent you into a state of bliss. At least this was what Tenko felt like.

Soon enough there were so many little plants in Shimura's hair that it looked like flowers grew out of his head naturally. When Shoto ceased, Tenko delicately brushes the tip of his finger against a purple camellia petal, "Whad'ya do this for?"

Again Shoto just shrugs, however he does eventually voice a reply, "Saw someone make a flower hat. I can't do something like that, so I just stuck flowers in your hair." Making flower hats seemed like a girls activity, but that thought slipped Tenko's thoughts. This obviously meant something to Shoto, so who was he to judge him?

"You don't have to keep them in."
"No way! They're so pretty, I'll keep them. Thanks." Shoto gives a minute smile, eyes looking at the metal fence so he wouldn't see that nice smile, knowing that he'd turn beet red if he did.
"If you're sure."

"Here," Tenko pushes his hand through a diamond-shaped hole, picking a morning glory and pulling it back through. He curls part of Shoto's white hair back, placing the flower into the curve of his ear, making sure it was balancing good before putting the hair back. "Now you've got a flower!" Tenko grins while his hands tuck into the space between his crossed legs, head leaning to the side. "It's such a nice color on you!"

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