🥴Drunken Confession😳

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@_userbunnie_ for you my friend (*^o^)(^o^*)

Fem! Shoto x Shigaraki y'all!!!!

"SHOTO-CHAN WAKE UP!!!" Toga Himiko burst into Todoroki Shoto's bed room, nearly breaking the door off it's hinges when kicking it. Todoroki sat up instantly, letting out a short cry due to being startled awake. After flipping on the light switch, Toga bounced over, pulling up the sleeping mask so she could look Todoroki in her eyes.
"Wh-what's going on??" Todoroki asked, helping by rubbing the rest of the sleeping mask off her face.
"We're going to the mall!! Tomura-Kun finally agreed to take us!" Toga spoke with obvious excitement. She had been trying to convince Shigaraki to let her go to the mall, since she had saved up allowance money from chores she did to help out Kuroguri.

"You really had to burst into my room to tell me that? You could have just knocked." Shoto spoke, getting up from her bed and checking to make sure the door wasn't broken.
"Yeah, but I like seeing you jumpy! I also like your adorable screams." Toga giggled, hands crossed behind her back.
"I'm aware." Todoroki lightly smiled as she rolled her different colored eyes.
"Now, get dressed! I doubt anyone shopping would be able to pay attention is you wore those booty shorts you got on." Toga teased playfully, before running out of the bed room.
Shoto's face went red as a cherry, and she yelled out, "STOP MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT MY BUTT!!"

Sighing and closing the door, Shoto went over to her closet, pulling out an outfit and putting it on.

Sighing and closing the door, Shoto went over to her closet, pulling out an outfit and putting it on

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(That, pretty much)

She also put on black leggings and boots, trying to hide herself as much as possible. It was not because she found herself ugly. She was actually extremely attractive, 5'9 feet tall, prominent breast, hourglass shape, physically fit, and as Toga pointed out, a nice ass. But, for these reasons, and because some guys can't keep their thoughts to themselves, Shoto tries to cover herself up as much as possible.

Leaving her room, her mask clenched within her hand, Todoroki walked into the commons room. "Morning Todoroki, how did you sleep dear?" Kuroguri asked, his golden eyes watching as Todoroki sat down at the bar.
"Fine, up until Toga nearly gave me a heart attack." Todoroki explained, pulling her hair up into two twin buns, similar to Today's but neater. Shigaraki then walked into the room, wearing his disguise so he wasn't noticed in public. He looked a bit annoyed, and Todoroki caught onto why.
"Did she wake you up by nearly breaking your door down too?" Todoroki asked, catching Shigaraki's attention.
"She's doing it to everyone." Shigaraki complained, rubbing one of his eyes, trying to wake up just a bit more.

The day at the mall went by surprisingly smoothly. Everyone bought themselves at least a few things, so they were all fairly happy. Shoto was chatting to Tomura, showing him a picture of corgi booty pants she found on Pinterest. She joked about getting a pair for both of them, and Shigaraki said no. But he did comment that if he did own a pair, he wouldn't have enough ass to make them look good. As the group of villains in disguise walked, a smaller group of guys passed by. One of the guys, most likely the gang's leader, eyes Shoto. "Hey sugar tits! Wanna come hang out with us??" The male cat called. Shigaraki quickly took notice of this, and held Shoto close, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

His red eyes glared menacingly at the guy, who covered under the villain's gaze. "But... I covered myself up..." Todoroki muttered, an embarrassed look on her face.
"Ignore that guy, he's immature," Shigaraki comforted, before noticing a bar, "who wants to get a drink?" Everyone in the League whooped in agreement.

Once inside, the group seemed to split apart, only Tomura and Shoto sticking together. They had a few drinks together, well, more than a few actually. They both had gotten fairly drunk, and were joking around more than usual. Shoto, her buzzed face all pink from the alcohol. She stared down at her cup, smiling shyly, unlike her previous jovial grin.
"What's with that look?" Shigaraki pointed out, taking another drink from his glass.
"Tomura, do you...do you ever think about having a relationship?"
"You mean like dating? Eh, not really. I'm too focused on my goals to worry about something like that."

"Ah..yeah right, of course." Shoto nodded, curling her white hair behind her ear, looking flustered from her question.
"But," Shigaraki started, gaze turning away, "I've obviously thought about it before. I wouldn't despise a romantic partner. It's just...well look at me! I'm not exactly a catch. " Tomura turned his red eyes to stare intently at the girl sitting beside him, "Have you ever thought about it?"

Todoroki laughed, but it was one of anxiousness, "Well, yeah of course I have, especially as a child, and rather recently. As a kid, I always imagined myself at my wedding. Though, as I grew, the person who I imagined myself being married to changed. "
"And what about recently?" Shigaraki brought up Todoroki's previously hit or miss comment, "who have you been thinking about?"
"I....haha, I uh..don't think I should say." Todoroki nervously remarked.

"It can't be that bad, come on tell me!" Shigaraki nudged Todoroki with his elbow. Shoto shifted, her eyes turning to look somewhere else in the room.
Tomura was quiet for a moment, dumb founded.
He spoke once more, but his question was very out of the ordinary, "What color suit am I wearing?" Todoroki blinked, turning to look back at the older male.
"White...sometimes black, but most of the time it's white."

"I can imagine you in a black wedding dress," Shigaraki eyes we're halfway closed, his gloved hand gingerly cupping Todoroki's cheek, "it could maybe be white, but black dressed suit you most."
"I love black dresses." Shoto's face turned a dark shade of red, her expression similar to one of a love struck puppy. The two glance at each other's lips, before quenching their yearning urges to kiss one another. It was soft and gentle, the alcohol running through both of their bodies making them both taste of the liquid. Neither of them did not rush or was forceful in any way.

They two parted after some time, both panting lightly. Then, the two noticed a familiar pair of prying golden eyes. "Soo," Toga hummed, "you two gonna f-"


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