💤Sleep = Bed🛌

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Like most people, Todoroki's consciousness was awakened when his body became too warm for it's liking. You might think he'd use his quirk to cool himself back down, but using his quirk in his current drowsy state has been proven a few times before to be dangerous.

Eyes fluttering open, Shoto looked around at the dark room as the process of fully awakening took hold. When he felt good enough, Todoroki sat up and slowly stood to his feet. He nearly lost balance, but managed to catch himself before falling flat on his face.

Rubbing at his eyes, the fire/ice user groans as he tries to figure out what to do. ' Water, ' his brain conjures up, ' I need water. ' Making his way out of the room, Shoto stepped out into the hall and started walking to the kitchen.

However halfway there he froze, thinking he had heard something. Sharpening his hearing, Shoto's eyes narrowed in focus as he made out faint music. ' Is that...boss music? ' Todo pondered to himself, the edging/danger portending rhythm he was hearing being familiar to him.

Following the sound, Shoto soon found himself walking into the bar/commons room, the TV screen showing a 'Game Over' screen, dim-orange letters having that classic pixely video game texture while dark, adventurous music played in a continuous loop in the background.

Todoroki's attention then goes to the figure on the couch, facing the TV but their head seemed to be hanging down. Quietly venturing around to the front, Todoroki realized that it was his boss on the couch, game controller in his lap with his hands barely holding onto it.

Leaning down to get a better look at the man, Todoroki could see past long cornflower blue bangs and between 'Father's' gray fingers that both piercing red eyes were closed. Tilting his head, Shoto thought for a few moments about what to do. He couldn't just leave Tomura like this.

Carefully he took the controller from the other's lap, walking back over to the TV and began shutting everything down. Putting the console, cords and controller back into its respective box, making sure everything fit nicely so nothing fell out.

Next he took the box back to Shigaraki's bedroom, placing it on his desk chair due to forgetting where exactly his boss kept all his gaming equipment. After this he went over to the bed, straightening out the messy covers and pulling them back enough for someone to get in.

Shoto gnawed at his cuticles while going back to the bar room, wondering how long Shigaraki had been sitting out there. It wasn't a huge surprise; Shigaraki had a bad habit of staying up late on his games and playing until accidentally passing out during said session.

Being oh so gentle as to not wake him, Shoto lifts Tomura up into his arms, carrying him back to his room. The dual-eyed boy froze mid step when Shigaraki stirred. ' Don't wake up don't wake up don't wake up..' Luckily all Shigaraki seemed to do was shift his head to snuggle closer into Todoroki's warm shoulder before he seemed to still.

Waiting until he was completely sure the man had returned to slumber, Shoto continued on his way. Once in the forbidden chamber, Todoroki laid the man down in his bed, removing 'Father' from his face to place it down on the desk. He didn't know exactly where Tomura put the hand when he goes to bed, but this seemed like a reasonable spot.

Back over at the bed, Todoroki pulls the covers up to tuck his boss in, pushing them underneath the edges of his figure to make sure he couldn't throw them off himself. He couldn't help but smile a little; Tomura looked so peaceful when sleeping. ' At least now in this position he won't be hurting..' Shoto mentions to himself while pressing a gentle kiss to the male's scarred forehead.

Leaving the room and shutting the door behind him, Shoto cracks his knuckles while glancing side to side in the hallway. ' Get water then go to bed..' He states, walking off to go to the kitchen.

Shigaraki tucked his binder full of plans under his arm, gathering up his pencil, pen and highlighter in his hand, pinkie stuck out so they wouldn't decay. He was tired; spending hours upon hours on mission planning can really drain a guy if he's not careful. Apparently today he was not careful enough.

Wandering down the hallway, he let out a big yawn, drained tears sprouting in the corners of his red eyes; flopping down into bed and immediately passing out sounded amazing. However something caught his attention: he noticed as he approached his door light was shining from under it.

' Don't tell me he's still awake..' Shigaraki shook his head, and sighed out loud, kicking the door open with a nudge of his foot. The scene he walked in on had the villain freezing where he stood: there his boyfriend was at his desk, face planted flat down on his text book, one arm folded over his head while the other hung down at his side with a pencil dangling to his the pads of his fingers.

"Shoto?" Tomura called out, but got no response. Dropping all the stuff down--inculding Father--on his desk where his computer was, Shigaraki went over to the younger man to investigate. Faint snores and muttering from him, a wet spot on the book's pages from where Shoto's mouth was ajar. "Sho?" he tried again, but still got no response.

Shigaraki grabs Todoroki by his shoulders, lightly shaking him while speaking in a soft tone, "Sweetheart, wake up." That time his efforts paid off, Todoroki's head jolting up and frantically looking around. When he saw it was just Tomura, he sighed and his glossy, half lidded eyes closed. Cupping that angelic in his crooked hands, Shigaraki peppered a few kisses on Todoroki's cheeks, nose and forehead.

"Come on," he placed a quick one to plush half cold half warm lips, "beds are the only place you should be sleeping." Shoto mumbles out something along the lines of ' You're one to talk ' as he lifts himself out of his chair, wobbling slightly due to his knees being jelly. Shigaraki wraps his arms around the other's slim waist, dragging him over to their shared bed.

Both collapsed onto the bed, Shoto latching onto the older and hugging him close. Returning the embrace, Shigaraki sighs as his eyes close. He could tell that Shoto already had fallen back to sleep, his soft relaxed breathing against the exposed part of his neck and shoulders. Within no time he too fell asleep, a small smile on his face as his arms squeezed tighter around the other man.

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