😂For Me😅

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"A whole separate building?" Dabi raised an eyebrow  in confusion. He looked at Shoto and Shigaraki, who nodded. They had called a meeting with just Dabi and Hawks, and proposed moving them out of the base and into a whole building across the city.

"Yes." The two concluded with a simple nod.
"This seems like a lot of trouble to go through." Dabi commented, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair.
"Exactly! That's way overkill!!" Hawks complained, "What the hell did we do to deserve being isolated like this???"

"Oh, it's the harlotry for me." Todoroki suddenly said, catching his elder brother's attention. Dabi's eyes were wide with shock, lips pursed in surprise.

"Its the god awfully loud impact play at 3 A.M. for me." Shigaraki spoke, removing Father so he could stare the other two males dead in their eyes.
Hawks's face turned slightly pink.

"Its the fact that I'm now well aware that Hawks has a daddy kink for me." Shoto added, face totally blank from how long he and Shigaraki had been putting up with the other two males behavior.

"Can you two stop now?!" Dabi spat, face turning red.
"The two of you didn't feel the need to stop in the bathroom, so we won't actually!" Shigaraki snapepd back, grinning with annoyance.
"It's the fact that Dabi does a very poor job at hiding his limp for me." Todoroki started up again, which caused Dabi's face to turn entirely red.

"It's also being subject to Hawks's atrociously colorful bedroom vocabulary for me." Shigaraki pointed out, earning a nod from his boyfriend.

"Okay!! We get it!! We'll be more quiet from now on!!" Hawks yelped, trying to end the meeting before anything more was said.
"Oh, we all know very well that neither of you two are capable of that. Now, sound proof your room or it's the separate building for you." Shigaraki hissed.

"Are we all on the same page boys?" Todoroki asked, voice a bit more gentle that Shigaraki's. The twos whole thing was like a good cop and bad cop.
"Yes sir.." Hawks and Dabi nodded, hanging their heads in guilt mixed with embarrassment.

"Get out and go clean your room. I walked in trying to find you two and it smells like a pig sty." Shigaraki growled, pointing to the door out of his office. Dabi and Hawks left quickly, their faces red.
"I hope that finally got into them." Todoroki groaned, legs crossing as he sat up on Tomura's desk.

Shigaraki suddenly snickered, "The look on Dabi's face when you mentioned his limp! Haha! I wish I could have taken a picture of that!"
"I didn't expect you to mention Hawks's potty mouth." Todoroki giggled.

"I think we did get through to them. And, if we didn't. Well, there's always plan B?~" Shigaraki purred, putting Shoto's legs on top of his shoulders as he hugged the younger males waist. 

"Mmm, I do like our plan B.~ I might secretly hope they do act up just to have to put that plan into motion." Shoto cooed, running his fingers through Shigaraki's unkempt blue hair.
"God, I love you.~" Shigaraki hummed.

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