🍑Fuck Buddies👬 2

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After that night, Shoto texted Shigaraki a week later. He calculated that a week was an appropriate amount of time to not look desperate but also not uninterested. But, as two days went by with no response, Todoroki began to think that Shigaraki had changed his mind about the idea of them being 'fuck buddies'. Not that Todoroki cared, it was whatever. What happened on the battlefield, that was just the heat of the moment. Nothing else.

But, still, Todoroki had to ignore the feelings of the twisting and turning his heart and stomach gave, and the way his throat went dry and tightened whenever he thought about not getting response. Whatever. It was just... Whatever. Didn't matter. He didn't give two fucks about it.

A day went by, still no text message back, and Todoroki had just arrived back at his home. Todoroki unlocked his front door, closing and locking it behind him. Shoto pulled his hair up in a ponytail, letting out a shallow yawn. He was ready for bed. He walked upstairs to his big bed room, but something caught his attention as he walked in. One of the walls was made out of one way glass, so Shoto could look outside but no one could see inside. But, he usually kept large curtains closed over the glass when he wasn't in his bedroom.

Suspicious, Todoroki walked over to the window, inspecting the window closer. On the ground was ashes, where did they come from? Looking up, Todoroki then realized his curtains were gone. How the hell did he not notice it before now? Kneeling down briefly, Todoroki rubbed the ashes in between the pads of his pointer finger and thumb, watching the ashes fall back to the ground.

The Pro Hero sighed, eyes closing, "Great, just great." Whatever. This wasn't a big deal. He could just order some new specially made curtains while at work tomorrow. They aren't too expensive, but he might go for a darker color.
Suddenly, without any warning, Shoto felt a hand clasp over his mouth, and a arm around his torso. Todoroki's scream was muffled, and he tried to thrash around.

"Quit squirming, I haven't done anything to you yet."  A familiar raspy voice spoke, and Todoroki's eyes went wide and his face turned red. Calming down slightly, he grabbed Shigaraki's wrist that was over his mouth, pulling it away.
"H-how th-the hell did you find out wh-where I lived?" Todoroki asked the first question that popped into his head.
"Not that difficult." The answer that the Villain gave didn't help much.

"Why are you here?" Todoroki asked. The younger males jumped at the feeling of a hand going up his shirt.
"Aren't you the one who texted me?" Todoroki could practically hear smirk in Shigaraki's voice. Then, he remember the text, and he began realized why Shigaraki was here. Todoroki turned around, breaking free of Shigaraki's grip. Todoroki pressed his lips against Shigaraki's, holding the taller male down by clutching to his black jacket. This took the L.O.V.'s leader off his guard.

Shigaraki growled, mad that he didn't get to make the fist move. His growling tickled Todoroki's own lips, making a shiver go through his shoulder blades.
Shigaraki hissed made his nails dig into the Pro Hero's sides, nearly cutting through his shirt. The pain made Todoroki flinch, but he was surprised to find himself liking it. Todoroki jerked his head away, lips pull into one of his rare scowls, the moonlight that shined in through the window glinting off of his teeth. Shigaraki felt himself being shoved back, landing on top of the soft bed that stood behind him.

Before he had a chance to get up, Shigaraki was pushed back down as the Hero got on top of him, crotch to crotch. Shigaraki gagged lightly, Shoto's left hand wrapping around his scratched up throat. Shigaraki could have used his quirk, but the gloves he wore today helps stopped his quirk from working, covering all of his finger tips. Dr. Garaki had them specially made. "I know you think your just going to have your way with me, but you are wrong. I refuse to be bested in my house by you." Todoroki spoke with an unusual dominance to his tone, eyes glinting with both list and rage. 

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