🤝Befriending Shoto 101📓

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Shigaraki had been in the process of saving his current place in a game when someone rudely barged into his room. No 'hey', 'hi' or even 'hello'. They just threw open the door and walked in like they owned the place. Turning his chair around, Shigaraki saw that it was Toga Himiko.

"The hell do you want?" He asked gruffly, not in the mood for the teenager's shenanigans.
"I need your help." The blonde replies, for once seeming to be very serious. This catches her boss by surprise, but the disembodied hand covering his face hides the way his eyes widen.

Out of nowhere, Toga drops down to her knees, clasps her hands before pleading, "Please teach me how to get Shoto-Kun to like me!!" Blinking in confusion, Shigaraki moves his chair to fully face the bowing girl, "What are you talking about? He does like you. Well, at least to my knowledge he doesn't hate you."
"But he doesn't let me hug him like he let's you! And sometimes he ignores me!"

"First off, he doesn't ignore you intentionally. He just doesn't know when someone is talking to him sometimes." explains the villain with a low sigh. "And I'm different than you. I've known him way longer--HEY!!" Toga suddenly lurched forward to cling to the older man's legs, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Teach me, Tomura-Kun!! PLEEAAAASSSSEEE!!!!"

Shigaraki snaps, "ALRIGHT! I'll do it! Christ.." pushing Toga off him so he could stand. Was he seriously going to do something this stupid? Glancing back down at the teenage girl, Shigaraki gets a bad feeling that this might not end well. "Grab a pen and paper, bloodsucker. I'm only doing this once."

Welcome to Befriending Shoto 101

Lesson 1: How to properly get his attention

"I seriously don't understand why you haven't figured this one out."

Toga looked like a little kid as she stood with a pen and paper in her hands, a big smile on her blushy face and bouncing on her heels. "I talk to him but sometimes he doesn't even seem to know I'm there!" she explains the situation.
"Did he have his headphones on?" this question earns Shigaraki a blank face.
"I'm not that dumb, handy man. Of course I know he can't hear me with those on. I meant when he doesn't."

"You have to address Shoto directly when you start talking to him." Shigaraki informs as he crosses his arms over his chest, "Otherwise, he won't pay attention." Quickly, Toga scribbles this fact down in her notes.
"Okay, so how to I get his attention when he does have headphones on? And is there a way to do it without nearly being punched?"
"Nearly being---what??" Shigaraki's arms fall to his sides as his eyes widen behind Father's fingers.

"I touch his shoulder to get his attention and he's nearly punched me twice!" For a moment the lanky man stands there silently, before his head leans back and he groans loudly.
"Jesus Christ, kill me now.. You can't do that, it startles him! And his instinct to being startled is fighting!"

Peeking into the commons room, Shoto could be seen at the bar with his headphones on, doing a word search that was in today's newspaper. "Watch." Orders the red eyes man, who swiftly steps into the room and around to the bar. Himiko watches as her boss stands on Shoto's left side, then taps the bar top lightly. This miraculously gets Shoto's attention, as he sits up straighter and removes his headphones.

"You have five more minutes before I get the paper." Shigaraki says and his comrade nods.
"Okay." Toga scribbles down more notes from what she observed, making sure she knew what to so and what not to do.

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