🧙‍♂️Warlock's Bargain💰

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First time writing a Fantasy AU so please give me honest criticism :3

The dungeon where Prince Shoto, was dark and made entirely of stone, which did no good in helping the low temperature get any higher. He tugged at the chains around his wrists, trying to break free from them. Each yank he did nothing to break the metal from where they were nailed to the ground. The only thing it did was make the chains rattle against each other and make a noise they seemed to taunt Shoto. Remind him that he was failing miserably.

Letting out a yell of frustration, Todoroki collapsed onto the floor, sitting up and leaning his head against the stone wall. He knew that being son of a royal family made him a viable source for kidnapping, and one day he would be snatched up for ransom. He just hadn't expected it to happen so quickly, so suddenly. He was riding out on his white stallion to see Midoriya Izuku, having been sent a letter that requested his attendance immediately.

But once he got to an isolated road, Todoroki was cornered by The League of Villains, who were a group of the most wanted outlaws in the country, possibly in the entire world. He did his best, but Shoto was outmatched. The League kidnapped him and his horse, bringing them both to their castle, where they locked the prince away in their dungeon.

Todoroki looked around the room, which was almost too dark to see anything in it. Luckily, the light coming off of the moon did a good enough job in providing him light. The only thing of utter interest was the human skeleton that hung on the wall beside Shoto, a single crack in the skull. ' Probably how he died..' He theorized, tilting his monotone face up to stare at the skeleton.

"So," Todoroki started up a conversation with the dead guy, "how long have you been up there?"
As if on cue, the arm bones dislodged from their sockets, landing on the floor below in a crumbled heap. In the crash, the skull plopped beside Todoroki, who watched the scene with only the tiniest bit of surprise in his eyes.

"That long, huh? Think I'll be stuck down here like you?" Todoroki picked up the skull, resting it on his lap. Hopes that his father's army were almost nonexistent in Shoto's mind. Despite being Enji's prized creation, being able to master both ice and fire magic, Shoto was still seen as a disappointment.
This was because of town big reasons.

1. Shoto had no interest in marrying a bride, having only shown romantic and sexual interest in other males. This meant that unless his siblings had their own children, the Todoroki blood line would end with Shoto.

2. Shoto had a deep interest and taught himself the dark arts. He also was rumored to be a satanist, making sacrifices to the devil.

If anyone were to try and find him, Shoto believed it would be his friends, not his family. He gazed upon the features of the skull, humming to himself as he imagined the face it once had. ' I bet you were a handsome one..' He thought to himself as his thumbs traced the grooves of the skull's high cheek bones.

Suddenly, the door at the top of the long staircase opened, golden lighting shining through the opening. Todoroki's eyes narrowed and brows furrowed as the leader of the League of Villains, Shigaraki Tomura, came down the stairs. "And how are you enjoying your stay, Prince?" Shigaraki asked, the hand he wore on his face partly hiding his amused sinister grin.

"You're other inhabitant fell." Todoroki replied, gesturing with his head toward the crumbled pile of bones.
Shigaraki quirked a brow as he briefly stared at the pile, "I was wondering when that would happen. Anyways," Shigaraki held out an unrolled scroll in front of Todoroki's face, "I received this today."

Todoroki squinted, trying to read the paper in the dim lighting from the moon.

Dear villain,

In regards to you're demands, you will not receive any sort of bounty for the return of my son. Do with him as you please, kill the boy for all I care. He is nothing but a demon spawn, and shall only bring you nothing but the most terrible of tragedies.

                                        From, King Endeavor

Todoroki felt cold, and this time it wasn't because he over used his ice magic.
He knew his father wouldn't save him, it was pretty much engraved in Shoto's mind that this would be the outcome. Still for some odd reason, it hurt. Just a little bit. But it hurt.

Todoroki's face became expressionless, eyes halfway closing and tone of voice sounding dead, "See? I told you this would be a waist of you're time."


"Well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, kill me. I can't stop you."
Shigaraki tilted his head as he scoffed, "Tsk, why would just do that? Cause the 'king' told me to? You're smart enough to know that I go against anything Endeavor says." Shigaraki knelt down, "No no, I've got a much better idea. Tell me Prince, are you honest?"

A bit bemused by the question, Todoroki looked the warlock up and down suspiciously. "I...I believe I am." Todoroki answered, hesitant at first.
"Will you be honest with me?"
"Do I have much of a choice?"
"It'll save you're ass."
"Fine, what do you want?"

"Just a few weeks ago you killed a man, who was known for his dark magic practices, deep in the forest. The way you killed him was in a ritualistic fashion, and somehow when you killed him his magic transferred to you. "
The skull on Todoroki's lap broke off at the same time Todoroki's dropped.

The prince shifted around, feeling a bit under pressure as Tomura's glowing red eyes seemed to burn at his skin. "He wanted me to kill him," Todoroki confessed, "he was already to be hanged by my father's executioner. He wished for me to be the one to kill him however I saw fit."
"Sounds like the guy liked you." Shigaraki pointed out, tone having a hint of grumble in it. This comment earned the warlock another glare from the younger male.

Shigaraki shook his head, realizing he had gotten off track, "Back to my point; can you transfer magic to other people?"
"...Yes. At least I believe so. "
"Then you're going to be of great use to me." Tomura pulled a key from his pocket, making sure Todoroki was watching it. "I'll let you out of those under one condition, and I believe you can guess what that is."

Todoroki stared at the key before he slowly began nodding. "Tell me what it is, I want to here you." Shigaraki demanded, eyes narrowing impatiently.
"You want me to transfer other's magic to you."
"Is that all?"
Todoroki became unsure by the outlaw's tone, "Well...at least I think that's all..."
"Hmm," Shigaraki smiled sneakily as he went to unlock Todoroki's chains, "I'll leave that to your imagination."

"What else are you wanting from me??"
Shigaraki chuckled as he stood up, "Come on, better get the introductions out of the way."
"You haven't answered my question!!" Shigaraki began to make his way to the stairs. "Answer my question warlock!!!" Todoroki chased after Shigaraki, tugging on the back of his dark cloak.

Just a quick announcement:
Of you know my second account katelyngray26 then you'll know about the recent announcement.
At the moment my plan is to finish all the books on this account then switch to my other account. The thing is I forgot my login for this one so once I'm gone I'm never going to be able to get back on it.

As for this book since it's something that can go on for nearly forever, I'll be setting a limit. Since we're creeping up on 100 stories, I'm thinking maybe story 150 or 200 will be the limit, or until my other stories are complete.
Unless I get another Chromebook or computer I can take on the go that my school doesn't have Wattpad blocked on, that will be the plan.

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