☁️Fluffy White🤍

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I didn't know what to put for the title honestly. And this is mainly an experimental chapter, trying to rely less on communication to motivate my stories. Probably will fail, but whateves 🙂

Trigger warning

Cold. It was very cold outside. In the negatives, actually. One of the coldest nights Musutafu has had this season. Just about everything was covered by either snow or frost. All the roads were closed because of how severe they had gotten, so not a single living soul besides stray animals were out.

The night sky was nothing but pitch black darkness and appeared fuzzy, like an old television screen or watching videos with bad network service. The darkness was so intense that the snow falling from it looked like it was falling down from nothing.

Todoroki stared at the snow falling, memorized by it's graceful nature. He remembered how as a child he'd watch the snow fall from inside his bedroom, the only thing keeping him from it being the window's foggy glass. He'd have to constantly wipe over the fog with his hand, trying to get a clearer view of the magical scene on the other side. Snow. It had always made Shoto feel calm. Safe. Protected. It reminded him of his mother.

It's funny, now whenever he looks at snow, it no longer reminded him of her. Thinking of her brought nothing but an ache inside his heart, making his body grow rigid and his face scrunch up in anticipation of the pain he believes would be poured over him. He couldn't--he wouldn't see her like he had when he was younger. Not anymore. Snow now reminded him of someone totally different.

A gust of window blew harsh against Todoroki's body, making his hands grip tighter at the metal security fence he was sitting on. His grip was the only thing keeping him from falling 50 stories to the concrete ground below. He would allow it soon enough, but not just yet. This scene deserved to be cherished.

Shoto's left hand tightened around the metal, his skin felt so cold it was beginning to growing into a tingling burn. Right hand releasing from the bar, Shoto held it out to catch some snow. To his delight, a perfect snow flake fell onto his palm, the coldness of his right side keeping it from melting as quickly. It was so beautiful, just like the ones you cut out from folding paper. It even looked fluffy!
Fluffy snow, what a charming sight.

Todoroki's small smile dropped face, the sensation of all color draining from him made the coldness in his body feel more like numbness. The snowflake finally melted away, leaving barely a droplet behind.
He held back onto the metal railing again, eyelids closing halfway as he looked down at the ant-sized city below. Tomura's hair is--was fluffy.

As the memories came back, Shoto's different colored eyes flooded with tears that froze to his pale cheeks. He should have know something was wrong when all of them stopped responding to his texts and calls. Especially Tomura. He should have left as soon as he got suspicious, he could've helped them. Deika City, where the League of Villain's last mission took place in, was now nothing but ruins. The rubble was most likely hiding the League's bodies underneath it.

Todoroki opened his eyes, looking back up at the sky. The cold air stung his eyes, but he didn't care. He wanted to see them, he wanted to see Tomura. Shoto missed him. He missed Tomura so much it hurt. It felt like he was being gutted alive whenever thinking about him, and having to remember that he could no longer be with him.

He couldn't reach out and hug him, he couldn't tell him he love him. Could he even love him anymore? It's so hard loving dead people. The thing with loving deceased family/friends is that realizing the love you have for them is slowly killing you too. Your love kills you. Todoroki hated knowing this.

He wanted his friends to be alive again, he wanted them all back. Without them, he didn't have anything. He didn't have any real friends, he didn't even have a family. They were the only ones who he felt normal around, who didn't see him as a tool or as a burden. They were interested in what he had to say, even though sometimes he can piece together his words the way he wants them to come out, or he says something that may hurt their feelings.

However, despite his best wishes, Shoto knew he would never see them again. He can't see or talk to dead people. Nobody can see or talk to dead people.

Unless...perhaps they were dead themselves.

Todoroki inhaled sharply through his nostrils, the cold hair feeling like little needles a he did so. His exhale came out shakey while slowly beginning to loosen his grip on the railing. Todoroki's eyes fluttered closed again, his red and white eyelashes frost covered and stuck together from his tears.

So close...he's never been this close before. So close to death, so close to eternal piece. Todoroki let go of the security fence completely just as a strong gust of wind, helping to push him off.

Todoroki eyes snapped open when out of nowhere a force yanked him back over the railing. Todoroki grunted softly when hitting the floor, but his impact was cushioned by whatever had pulled him. Todoroki felt arms secured tightly around him, one crossing over his chest while the other curled around where his ribcage was.

The hold was tight, very very tight but...so very familiar. The ragged and shallow pants in Shoto's ear also sounded very familiar as well. Todoroki sat completely still, not making a single sound. He wouldn't believe it. He refused to believe another one of his brain's delusions. How much longer would he be forced to torment himself?

Todoroki stopped himself from reaching up to grab at whatever was holding him. If he did so, the delusion would end. Like all the rest of them had. Right now he felt like he needed a moment in an embrace, even if it was all fake.

Todoroki grunted softly again as he attempts to move, the grip was beginning too become too much.
It wouldn't budge. Eyes growing bigger, Todoroki became confused. "Are you real?" He asked out loud, voice coming out quieter than usual and raspy. When was the last time he had spoken? God, it felt like it had been years.

Shoto didn't receive an answer, instead being asked a question in return, "wh-why?" The voice was his; Tomura's voice. It different, much different. It's light and raspy quality to it was gone, and the tremble that was in it was very unusual for Shigaraki Tomura. It was scared--horrifed even. As if he had just went through a horrible experience.

Todoroki couldn't answer, his brain having short circuted due to shock and suspicion. It can't be real, he can't be real. "Wh-why Shoto?? Why did you try to.." Shigaraki didn't finish his sentence as his throat tightened and choked him up. Todoroki felt his wide eyes leak, an anxious smile growing on his disbelieving face.

"Don't talk like that, you're not real." Todoroki shook his head in denial, "You'll leave just like all the others, so it's cruel to taunt me like this."
"No....no no no no Shoto, it's me! Look! Look at me!" Shoto was turned around, facing Tomura, but his appearance had changed. He was wearing a suit and tie, one of his hands were entirely covered by bandages while the other had on one of his specially made gloves, his face was covered by bandages aside from his eyes and mouth, and his hair...was fluffy and white.

Like snow.

Shigaraki took his gloved hand and placed it on his boyfriend's frozen-tear streaked cheek, "It's me Tomura, your boyfriend! I'm-i'm right here with you!"
"...T-Tomey? B-but Daika City it's...I thought you and the others.."
"No no baby, we're okay!" Shigaraki's thumb wiped off tears, smiling shakily before it fell again, expression turning worried, "But you...why?"

"I--you-th-they..." Todoroki's perturbed smile began to slip as even more tears ran down his face, "I just...I didn't want to be alone." Shigaraki pulled the younger male close and tight, leaning his head against Shoto's own. Tomura hadn't let Shoto go with them on the mission to protect him. But he had hurt his boyfriend anyway despite this.

"It's okay baby boy," Shigaraki muttered, "it'll all going to be okay." Todoroki hugged Shigaraki tighter, sniffling as he nodded. Slowly Shoto sat up, left hand cup Shigaraki's cheek. Quickly catching on, Shigaraki leaned close and kissed the slightly shorter male, tension melting from his body.

When they parted, Todoroki murmured out, "I never thought I'd get to kiss you again.." Shigaraki pressed his lips against Todoroki's own again, trying to get those thoughts out of his lover's head permanently. He didn't want Shoto thinking like that.
"Don't say that, I'm always going to be with you." Shigaraki replied when the kiss broke.

Todoroki smiled a bit, bottom lip wobbling. "Don't cry anymore, okay?" Shigaraki asked, "I hate seeing my baby boy cry." The peppermint haired boy nodded, rubbing off frozen tears with his sleeve.
His hand reached out, ruffling Tomura's hair through his fingers.
"It's like snow.." Shoto commented, earning a chuckle from Tomura.

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