🍇Raspberry Lips👄

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Out of every single day of the week, the students of class 1-A found that Sundays were the most relaxed. Sure, it would be followed by Monday, but it was always so relaxing on this day more so than any other.

Sadly today wasn't going to be one of those Sundays.

Since the weather was nice--not too hot nor too cold, sunny with clear skies--the hero course kids decided to go to the park. You know to play frisbee, soccer, all that kind of stuff. A few stayed on the sidelines of all this bonding physical activity, Todoroki Shoto being one of them.

The young man sat underneath an old cherry blossom tree, legs bent and held up to his chest as he watched his classmates play as if they were children. His face was blank as always, but his eyes showed slight hits of unease and distaste. Though he didn't downright hate these people, the fact that they could act so carefree and friendly with one another confused Shoto.

"Hey Roki!" Todoroki looked up to find Sero approaching, carrying two stainless steel bottles. The tape dispenser gives one of the two blue stainless steel bottles that he had brought with him to Todo, who--with hesitance--takes it. Screwing off the cap Shoto tried to look at the bottle's contents, but it was too dark inside to see
"What is this?" Todoroki inquires.

Sero chuckles, "Don't worry, it's just a smoothie! Made it before getting out here." Todoroki hums, so that's why the kitchen had been so noisy. "What's in it?" the younger inquires after smelling the viscous liquid inside.
"Oh just the usual stuff; ice, milk, yogurt, whatever fruit was in the fridge. Mine however, hehe, has a little something 'extra'."

"You didn't use the melon, did you?" Todoroki asks, getting a trance scent of that particular fruit.
"Uh..a little." Sero admits with a nod, "Why? You allergic?"
Todoroki shakes his head, "No. That melon belongs to Ashido."
Hanta's eyes go wide and his grin turns anxious, "Ah...I see. Say Roki, you weren't thinking of telling Mina about this, were ya?"

"Not really, but she'll probably figure it out on her own. I've seen her count her food each time she puts it away."
"Querido Dios, I'm in trouble.." Sero mutters, going to unscrew his thermos.

"DUNCE FACE YOU BASTARD!!!" The booming voice of Bakugou's voice rang out, the sounds of explosions going off following right after.
"Uh," Sero blinks before chuckling again, though this time noticeably uneasy, "I gotta go take care of this real quick, be right back."
"Okay." Todoroki nods, watching Sero scurry down the hill to help restrain Bakugo from attacking Kaminari.

Looking back at the drink, Shoto took a small swig of it. It tasted fine at first, but the teen's face scrunched up at the aftertaste; there was something off with it, leaving a weird tingling sensation on Todoroki's tongue. Maybe the fruit in the fridge went bad?

Since Sero was one of the only classmates of his that Shoto had respect for, he downed the smoothie to both not waste and get rid of it.

The situation was eventually settled down within a few minutes and Hanta couldn't help but sigh in relief. To relax himself again, he took a drink of his smoothie, but once the it hit his tongue Sero froze. This wasn't his drink; he spiked his because Hanta knew Bakugou would most likely get into a fight.

"Shit!" Sero exclaimed, turning and rushing back towards the hill.
"Eh? What's his deal?" Mina questioned, looking to Kirishima for an explanation he didn't have.
"Roki??" Sero panted as he finally reached the top of the hill. The ravenette's gut dropped; he was too late. Shoto was laid out on the ground, arms clutched around his stomach as he was groaning.

"Sh-shit, I'm so sorry. I accidentally gave you my drink by accident." Sero apologized, kneeling down and putting his hand to Todoroki's forehead. He was burning up. Another wrench from his gut sent alarms off in Hanta's head. "Guys!" Sero called out, rushing back down the hill, "We gotta head back now!!"

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