📋The Boy🧒🏻 pt 2

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Day 4:

A slight shiver rushes through Todoroki as he walks down the porch steps, tugging his cardigan tighter around him in an attempt to brace himself for the next gust of wind. This weather confused him to no end, seeing as how back in Musutafu it was sunny and warm.

Here it was foggy and cold, but Todoroki liked cold weather more than warm, so he wasn't too upset by it. On the plus side it went better with his more winter-style wardrobe; Shoto liked clothes that covered himself as much as possible.

Since it was Tenko's music time, the young man found that this was one of the best times to check on the rat traps. So far he had only caught two of the pesky little rodents, bug Todo could've swore he heard a snap and cry earlier when making lunch.

Checking the first trap and seeing it had not been set off, Shoto moved onto the next one. "Ah-ha," he comes to a halt when he sees the tip of a pink tail peeking through the bushes, "got you." Coming forward to get the killing device and throw it away, a soft alarmed gasp leaves the red/white haired male as he sees a smaller rat feasting on the other that had been caught in the trap.

Now Shoto didn't hate rats as much as other people may. In fact he seemed to like a lot of animals that others tended to despise, certain insects being the only exception. And living in the wild was certainly much different to these little furry creatures than Todoroki's more cushy life style inside, so he wasn't in any position to look down upon this little thing.

Even though it was more on the disgusting side, Shoto grabs the alive and dead rat before jogging into the woods. Once he finds a decent enough area, Shoto sets the surprisingly calm ball of scruffy fur down and releases its meal from the trap. Landing on the ground with a gentle thud, Todoroki watched as the rat carried the carcass away to eat in privacy.

Next he went into the shed to get another rat catcher, replacing the old one before carrying on. He reached the side of the house where Tenko's room was located, which explained why he could hear that music even from out here. Those lullabies on that record were nice and, furthermore, have yet to drive Roki insane.

Seeing no more traps set off, Todoroki goes back inside and goes straight for the kitchen sink, washing his hands with warm water and soap. Glancing over at the clock it was 16:06. ' Four more minutes..' he notes while drying off his hands. Here in the next hour he would begin making dinner; soba sounded like a good dish for tonight.

Out of the blue the doorbell rang, making Todoroki jolt just like it had before. "I hate that sound.." grumbled the pretty boy as he walked back to the front door, opening it to see who it was. Todoroki was surprised to some degree to find Midoriya standing there, looking a little on edge. "Midoriya? What are you doing here?"

"Hey Todoroki-Kun, um..I uh.." Midoriya shifts on his heels, rubbing at the base of his neck while a strained smile spreads across his face, "Haha funny thing actually I..ah...don't know why I came here. Well actually I do, but.." Voice drifting away, Midoriya's smile falters and his green eyes squint in a way that reminded Shoto of his mother.

"Would you like to come inside?" he offers, opening the door and standing aside, "I could make some tea."
Some of that tension fades from the other's freckled face, "S-sure. Tea sounds lovely." Following the taller to the kitchen, Midoriya takes a seat at the table, fingers intertwining as his gaze is directed to the wooden surface.
"I have to get Tenko real quick, I'll be right back."

Moving quick, Shoto went to the hallway and went into Tenko's room. He turned off the record player, putting the disk back into it's case. "Sorry to cut music time short, Tenko. I'll give you extra time tomorrow, I promise." Todoroki apologises as he puts everything away back into the closet, then he picks the doll up from its spot on the bed, "Mr. Midoriya is paying us a visit."

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