🔪Yandere Shoto🔥

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This will he a bit different from how Todoroki usually is in my stories!!

- Attempted sexual assault
- Abuse of a female
- Details of gore
- Yandere behavior
- Violent language

Shigaraki was at a bar nearby his hideout, guzzling down whiskey like a cow. He had been there for about two and a half hours, and didn't notice the time until he notice his phone buzzing in his pocket. Pulling it out, he saw it had been Todoroki texting him.

Shoto-Baby❤️: When are you coming home?

Giddiness consumed Shigaraki, making his once sour expression turn into that of a lovestruck puppy. Shigaraki's eyes squinted as he typed each word out.

Shigaraki: on my way

Tomura slowly got out of his seat, stumbling and nearly loosing his balance. He was suddenly helped by a woman, who giggled playfully, "Careful there, big guy."

"Who's... Who's is you?" Shigaraki looked at the prettied-up woman with boredom and annoyance. He didn't allow anyone but his Shoto touch him.
"You seem a bit tipsy baby, let me help you home." She offered, wrapping an arm around Shigaraki's hips, and placing his arm over her shoulders.

"I don neeed your help, woman." Shigaraki insisted, wanting to pull away, but the girl was already helping him towards the front door.
"Where's your place?" She asked, but already knew that the guy was leading he there. His drunken mind mixed up what he should actually be doing, and just directed him back home. He wanted to get back to his boyfriend.

Soon enough, the two were at the LOV's hideout. Everyone else but Shigaraki and Todoroki was out doing their own thing. The only reason Shigaraki had left was because his favorite brand of whiskey wasnt at the Leagues bar.

Shigaraki reached into his pocket, fumbling with his keys. "Here, I got it babes." The woman took the jets from Shigaraki's dangerous hands, unlocking the door for them. Shigaraki stumbled inside of the nearly pitch black room, more sense slowly began returning to the blunette. "Sit over here." She dragged him over to the couch, settling the lanky male down on the cushiony sofa.

"Oi, get offa me, lady." Shigaraki grumbled, trying to shove the woman away as she leaned closer to his face, aiming to steal a kiss from him.
"Aww, why not sweetie? I brought you home, it's the least you could do for me."
"I've already gotta boyfriend."
The woman rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, I can fix that."

Without his consent, the woman shove her lipstick painted lips onto Tomura's. He grunted, trying to push the girl away, hating the feeling he got when she kissed him. "Stopit! Et offa me!!" Shigaraki snapped, turning his head away. The woman knelt down, beginning to undo Shigaraki's belt buckle. "QUIT IT!! I TOLD YA'S DEAF ASS NO!!" Shigaraki tried kicking, but it barely did anything with his blurry vision.

The woman had a smirk on her made up face, before a lamp was turned on, and her eyes grew big and wide. A look of terror washed over her, peering behind the drunken male. Shigaraki noticed, turning to look. He yelped, seeing Shoto standing behind the couch, his expression blank, but his shadowed eyes holding deep malice that seemed to make them glow. The ends of his hair seemed to begin floating,  flickering like flames. Similar to his father's hair flames, except his hair wasn't made of fire.

"Sh-Sho!!" Shigaraki gasped, fear welling up inside his chest, making it feel like he couldn't breath. Without thinking twice, the woman darted towards the front door. She left out a scream, finding it was frozen shut.
Todoroki's head slowly turned to the woman, who was trying to pound against the ice, as if her puny strength could break it.

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