🤏Different Hands✋

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This is short, so sorry about that. But I had gotten Shigaraki's Father hand for my Halloween costume this year, and while I was looking at it I got this story idea.

Also this Monday is my birthday.
And I don't got school Monday since it's labor Day, soo, give me some more story ideas and maybe I'll post them then.

Shigaraki's eyes gazed intensely at his Nintendo, mumbling nonsense to himself. Todoroki was sitting a few seats away, his eyes locked onto Shigaraki's hand movements. Todoroki's hands fiddled around with one another, thoughts bubbling up inside his head. Balancing the very top cards, Shigaraki leaned away, looking over the tower, seeing if anything else needed to be added. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Todoroki was watching him.

' He's been watching me for awhile now, ' Shigaraki reminded himself, unsure of why he was recieving so much attention. Shigaraki suddenly gestured for Todoroki to come over, pointing to the chair right beside him. Todoroki quickly got up, walking over and sitting down beside Shigaraki.
"What's with all your staring?" Shigaraki questioned. Todoroki raised his hand, seemingly not going to answer his boss's question.

Confused, Shigaraki mimicked the action. Todoroki went to lay his hand up against Tomura's, but the other male immediately jerked his hand away. "H-hey! Keep me out of your suicide mission!!"
"I'm just trying to measure our hands."
"Why though? What's so important about knowing who big our hands are to risk your life??"
Shoto shrugged his shoulders, seeming to be unsure about even his own reasonings.

"It wouldn't be the first time I risked my life to please my curiosity."
"Don't be so careless with your life." Tomura grumbled lightly, and Shoto giggled with a big of awkwardness. His life was put on the line at least twice a week. Shigaraki still felt very unsure about this.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." Todoroki let his hand fall back down.

"F-fine! Only cause it's making you happy.. "
Shigaraki raised his hand back up, thankful that Father was hiding his blushing face. Todoroki lifted up his face, placing their hands together, palm against palm. The tips of Shoto's finger tip went just a little above Tomura's second finger joint, not to mention was slightly bigger.

"Your hands," Todoroki mumbled softly, "are bigger than mine." Shigaraki gulped the lump that had formed in his throat, his face going red. Todoroki shifted his hand's position, intertwining his and Shigaraki's finger. Of course, Shigaraki kept one finger away, for safety reasons.
"Tomura, your face is really red. And your shaking. Do you feel sick?" Todoroki used his opposite hand to remove Father from Shigaraki's face, seeing the redness in the older miles face.

"Do you have a fever?" Todoroki spoke mostly to himself, softly laying the back of his hand against Tomura's forehead. Suddenly, Tomura grunted as his nose gushed out a spurt of blood. He felt backyard onto the floor, his landing making his card tower fall down.


Someone draw this as a comic please 🙏😂
I can do it but I'm too lazy 😪

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