❤️‍🔥Todoroki's Ex😝

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Todoroki came crashing into the LOV'S base, fuming with rage. "Whoa! Where's the fire extinguisher??" Spinner yelped, looking up from his book as his friend came in.
"What's going on Shoto??" Toga questioned, her and Compress looking up from their cards.
"Fucking Monoma being a douche bag again." Todoroki grumbled, tossing his book bag aside.

"He's always such a nuisance to you." Compress sighed with a small shake of his head.
Todoroki squeezed his eyes as he ran his fingers through his bangs, softly speaking to himself, "I waisted so much time with a dick bag like that."
"Wait a second, what did you just say??" Shigaraki, who had just walked in having expected Shoto to come back, was shocked by what he heard.

"Yeah, we dated. But only for five months." Todoroki replied.
"Wow, he must suck. YOU DATED COPYCAT???" Twice exclaimed, grabbing the sides of his head.
"Was it before or after you got in UA?" Toga pondered, leaning over the back of the couch.
"It's just--are you blind??? Suffering some sort of brain damage??!" Shigaraki was beyond bewildered why Shoto would ever date a person like Neito Monoma.

"Look, I was in a really bad place at the time. But I quickly got myself in check after the fifth time he dropped our plans to hang out with some other friends, and broke up with his ass. He's just still sour over the fact that I was the one who initiated the break up and he wasn't." Todoroki explained, picking his book bag from off the floor.

"He must still like you if he's bullying you over it." Dabi commented, flipping through his phone. Shigaraki tensed at the comment, despising those words with a burning passion.
"Well, I don't. That bastard can go jump off the nearest cliff for all I care." The candy cane haired boy scoffed, rolling his eyes at the suggestion his brother made.

Tordo's response made Shigaraki feel a hit better, but he hated two facts;
1. Shoto had an ex.
2. That ex was still alive.

"I have some homework I need to do." Todoroki muttered mostly to himself, but he knew Shigaraki would end up following him. And he was correct, Shigaraki began following behind him as he left the bar room. The two went into Shigaraki's bedroom, Shoto holding the door open for the older male. "You okay?" Todoroki asked after a few minutes of dead silence while he constructed his work space at the desk. It was normal for Shigaraki to be quiet, but not this quiet.

Shigaraki huffed, looking away from Todoroki's directon. Tilting his head in curiousity, Shoto pondered why Tomura wasn't answering him. The it clicked. "Your not jealous, are you?" Todoroki asked.
Shigaraki's entire body tensed and he scoffed in surprise and annoyance.
"Of course not! What would I have to be jealous of??" The taller male spoke defensively, teeth gritting.
"Not much," Todoroki hummed a he turned to the correct page in his math book, "I just don't want you jealous about Monoma. Mainly about what Dabi suggested about him."

"Monoma doesn't have a crush on you!! If he did, he would've treated you right!!" Shigaraki blurted out in an acid tone.
"If it makes you feel any better, I don't like him at all." Tomura crossed his arms, huffing sharply and in a way that sounded like he was pouting. Shoto paused from his homework, and sighed gently. He got up and went over to the bed where Shigaraki was sitting. The younger male took a seat beside him, waiting patiently until the other finally got over his stubbornness and face his boyfriend.

"I love you, Tomura-baby." Shoto confessed something that the other already knew very well.
"Hmph," Tomura pursed his lips, face blushing a light pink, his eyes averting to the pillows further up the bed, "love you too.." Todoroki giggled, causing Shigaraki's blush to deepen in color. Shigaraki pressed his lips to Todoroki's, shutting him up. Todoroki wrapped his arms around Shigaraki's neck as their lips parted just for a moment, trying to find the perfect hold on each other.

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