🛑Red Eyes👁

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Shigaraki couldn't help but notice something very strange. Spinner's red scarf, which he wore in honor of The Hero Killer and wore it practically 24/7, was no longer around his neck. And this wasn't the first time this rare occurrence occurred. It happened whenever Todoroki came around. In fact, looking back on it, everytime Todoroki came to the base, anying that the League's members had on that was really was either taken off or covered.

"Oi Spinner," Shigaraki suddenly called out to the lizard man, gesturing him over with a beckoning motion of his hand, "come here."
"I'll be right back." Spinner informed Shoto, who he had been having a conversation surrounding Stain's ideology. Spinner walked over to the bar, "Yes boss?"
"Why aren't you wearing your scarf?" Shigaraki questioned, his tone sounding as if he was interrogating Spinner. Which he kinda was.

"Oh! It's in my bedroom. Why?"
"Your usual always wearing the damn thing, but whenever Todoroki is here, you don't have it on. What up with that?"
"Do you like the scarf that much?"
"No! I hate the fucking thing! It just confuses me, so I want an answer."
Spinner glanced to Kurogiri, who was behind the bar cleaning beer glasses, and spoke to him in a hushed whisper,  "He doesn't know?"

"What don't I know?? Your starting to piss me off." Shigaraki warned, and Spinner coward some.
"I'm just as surprised as Spinner is, Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri piped up, his golden eyes squinted with bewilderment, "I thought you would have known."
"What. Don't. I. KNOW?!" Shigaraki slammed his fist down on the bar top, shouting that lost word of his chopped up sentence. Spinner glanced over his shoulder at Todoroki, hoping he wasn't hearing any of this.

Luckily, the teen had his headphones on, bobbing his head to the beat of the song that was playing. He was completely oblivious to what they were talking about. ' Good. ' Spinner thought to himself as he sighed with relief.
"Young Todoroki Shoto has an immense fear of the color red." Kurogiri informed Shigaraki, who became dumb founded by the news.

But, once he thought on it, it made quite a lot of sense. From the clothing items being removed, to red items being covered or hidden, to even why Todoroki never looked Shigaraki in his eyes. "Why is he scare of the color red? It just that, a stupid color!" Shigaraki asked, finding the fear stupid.

"Well," Spinner began to explain with a pitied look on his face, "red reminds Todo of heat. Aka fire, aka Endeavor who has a fire quirk and who has red hair. It also didn't help matters that his mom poured boiling water on using face using a RED kettle."

"His fear is justified, but I believe naturally Todoroki Shoto will move on from this fear." Kurogiri gave a nod, as if to end the conversation then and there.

A few days later during a mission, Shigaraki and Todoroki had split up like the rest of the League had, to cover more ground. Shigaraki and Todoroki were sitting atop a building, the older of the two having his binoculars held up to his red orbs. Shigaraki tilted the binoculars down, glancing over at Todoroki, who was using similar looking binoculars.
"Hey, can you do me a favor?" Shigaraki suddenly spoke, and Todoroki nearly jolted out of his skin.

"Oh! S-sure, what is it?" Todoroki asked, his attention turning fully to Shigaraki. Once again, Shigaraki noticed Todoroki avoided his gaze.
"Look me in the eyes." Todoroki looked a bit confused at the favor, but felt worry begin to bubbly up inside his stomach.

Todoroki tried to look, but his gaze quickly tried to avoid Shigaraki's intense stare. Shigaraki, despite his usual behavior, didn't comment on Todoroki's failure, instead remaining calm and quiet. "I-I can't- I can't do it..", Todoroki's head bowed, hands squeezing at his bent knees, nails digging into his pants. He did this all while his eyes watered, and he forced himself not to shed a single tear drop, "I-I just can't! I don't know why, I wish I could, but I can't!"

"It's fine, quit crying." Shigaraki took out a lavender colored handkerchief that Toga had gifted to him for his birthday, and with the other hand gently cupped underneath Todoroki's chin. Carefully, Shigaraki used the handkerchief to dry Todoroki's cheeks and eyes of his tears. And for a moment, Tomura felt like Kurogiri as he was pretty much babying Todoroki. He could have just given the handkerchief to Todoroki so he could fix himself up, but chose not too, instead thinking to do it himself.

"It's not that big of a deal, it's just stupid to be scared of a color." Shigaraki explained his thoughts out loud, forgetting to filter his words. Todoroki nodded, understanding why it was so dumb of him to be scared. It was just so difficult to not be scared of it sometimes.
"I'm sorry.." Shoto muttered out an apology.

"Like I said, it's fine. Just, promise me to keep trying okay? So everyone is not going around to hide everything red when you visit."
Again, Shoto nodded, but this time, as Shigaraki held his face in his hand, looked up at Shigaraki. The peppermint haired boy hadn't expected Shigaraki to still be looking at him.

For a split moment, their eyes met. Realizing since he had never really made direct eye contact with Todoroki, Shigaraki felt like it was the first time he was seeing the younger male's different colored eyes. They were so pretty, beautiful even.
Todoroki felt like his body was extra energized as he looked into Shigaraki's bright red eyes, and he couldn't tell if this was his flight response or something different.

Shigaraki's phone began to ring, causing both males to jerk away from each other. "Wh-what is it?" Shigaraki answered the call with an annoyed hiss as he tried to calm himself down.
"Have you seen them yet?" Dabi's voice echoed back, and Shigaraki looked to Todoroki, who had went back to looking through his binoculars. Without needing to be asked, Shoto shook his head to answer Dabi's question.

"No," Shigaraki replied, "their a no show."
"Let's wrap this up, I'm hungry." Dabi spoke before hanging up the call.
"Let's go home," Shigaraki stood up, gesturing for Todoroki to follow as he put Father back over his face, "you hungry?"
"Yeah, are you?"

Later that night, Todoroki's mind kept replaying what had happened. What he had seen.
' His gaze, it seemed to be so shocked at first, ' Todoroki thought to himself, nibbling on the tip of his thumb, ' as if he's never seen me before. His eyes we're intense and focused and...' Todoroki's thought ram blank, looking down at the sketch book he had been subconsciously working in. On the page was a sketch of Shigaraki's eyes, detailed very well and colored. Colored with skin tones, blacks, and red.

' I've never seen such eyes... ' Todoroki's fingers gently ran under the sketched out eyes, his face growing hot.

Leave your ShigaTodo head cannons in the comments! I wanna make a chapter full of head cannons 😘❤️‍🔥

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