👈Your Boyfriend🧑🏻

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(Okay but like you all are some of the sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting/knowing 😭❤️
I'm so lucky to have such nice people reading my stories and who enjoy them, at least I hope you all do. I'm really happy to make these stories that I enjoy and you enjoy and I'm surprised that so many do like my writing.
Anyways, enough of my boring rambling, lets get into the story!! Thanks again ('✪̤✪̤)◞ღԵհɑղƘՏ)

Todoroki Shoto's life recently has been rather chaotic recently.
Just about six months ago, the Todoroki family broke out into another fit of drama, because of course they would. But this fight was one of the worst the family had ever been through, setting them back quite a bit in their relationships and nearly crushing Fuyumi's hopes of having a normal healthy family.

Due to all of this, Shoto left the nest fully. He got himself a place at a small apartment and a job at a diner to help pay the rent. He even got into college, which flooded what little spare time he had with homework and studying.

Now about his job at the greasy spoon diner;
It didn't pay very well at all.
He was paid ¥930 hourly, and worked from the time he got off from school, (3:15 P.M), to 11:00 P.M at night when the diner closed. He originally worked until 7:15 P.M, Monday-Friday, but due to his weekly rent being ¥50,000 yen, Todoroki had to put in more hours and days and started working Monday-Saturday. Todoroki would have worked Sundays as well, but the diner was closed on Sundays.

Even with this upgrade, Todoroki still couldn't pay the rent fully. So he had only one option: get a roommate. Luckily in no time at all he managed to get a roommate withing a few days of posting his online add. Her name is Tanaka Sumire, and at first she did help with paying the rent. At first. But it didn't last too long until she began slipping on paying her share of the rent, giving random excuses on why she couldn't pay up. This left Todoroki to have to pay the rent with the money he had been saving up. Tanaka is also always bringing some random drop out into the shared apartment for late night 'study sessions', which also didn't help at all when Todoroki returned home from work.

Todoroki's sleep schedule was wrecked, his mental and physical health was beginning to drop, and even better the rent for this week was late. Luckily, the owner of the apartment, nicknamed Don for his serious/cold personality, knew the situation Todoroki was in and allowed for the rent to be late. But Todo knew Don's patience was wearing thin.
Shoto just wished that his stingy boss would just give him a raise already, or that Sumire would get off her lazy pot smoking arse and help with the rent.

To help get his mind off of things, and to try to salvage what little sanity he had left, Todoroki decided to go to his favorite spot in the local park. The area he went to was barely acknowledged by obnoxious family members and college jerks. The only people who would come by it were grounds keepers and the occasional joggers.

Todoroki sat on the bench, it wood scared by carvings of cheesy couples initials along with a few slurs and phone numbers. The wood felt just a little bit damp from the previous nights rain fall, but Todoroki didn't mind it much. Closing his eyes the candy cane haired male rubbed his face as he let out a huff of tension in his lungs, wanting to calm himself down enough to properly enjoy the peace and quiet. He listened to the wind rustle through the tree leaves as birds in their branches chirped their little songs to one another.

Todorokk felt tired, both physically and mentally. He wanted Saturday to last forever. He wouldn't have to worry about school, work, rent, stress, and just sleep forever. That sounded like heaven to him.

Just then, Shoto felt someone sit down beside him on the bench, hearing the old wood and metal bars creak as if it had never held two people before. Startled by the sudden presence of another human being, Shoto's body flinched and his eyes shot open wide, head turning towards the interloper. "Whoa, hey! Take it easy, it's just me." The stranger said, trying to keep Todoroki from leaping too far off from the wooden park bench.

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