🤭Forgotten Birthday🍰

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With a pile of folded clothes in his arms, Kurogiri saunters down the hallway towards the eldest of his the two boys he was assigned to take care of. Knocking before he entered, he wasn't surprised to find the young man playing away on that gaming system on his. "I have brought you your clothes." Kurogiri announces, earning back a brief grunt of acknowledgement.

Knowing better after years of taking care of him, Kurogiri began putting away the clothes instead of leaving them on the desk like he did for Shoto. Speaking of which, today was that quiet child's birthday and he still needed to finish preparing the dessert for the celebration. Ever since they were both still children Kurogiri would prepare a small treat for them on their day.

But recently Kurogiri has taken notice that Shoto doesn't enjoy sweet things the same way Tomura does; the younger of the two seems to favor less sugary things since eating cakes and such gives him a bad stomach ache. Not that Shoto was very picky, he would eat almost anything Kurogiri put in front of him, it was just sugar that did the poor thing in.

But one thing Shoto did enjoy was dorayaki, so that was what the gateway creator was making. Checking his watch while closing the dresser drawer, Kurogiri sees that it is about an hour before Shoto will get off from school. Glancing over at Shigaraki, he announces this tidbit of information, "Shoto will be arriving home soon."

Another gruff noise left him, "Uh-huh.."
"If I may ask," Kurogiri slips a coat hanger into the neck hole of a shirt, "what did you get for him?" All the click-clacking noises of the controller stopped, Shigaraki paused and stared at the screen in front of him with wide eyes. His gut sank as something unwelcoming flooded in him.

"What I got for him?" Shigaraki repeated in a dumbfounded manner, looking over his shoulder at the warpgate villain.
Kurogiri also pauses as if he tol had gotten that gut-sinking feeling, "You do know that today is Shoto's birthday, right?"
"Right, Tomura Shigaraki?"
"...shit..shit shit shit shit SHIT!!!"

Faster than he had ever seen him shut off that game system before, Kurogiri watched the villain leap out of his chair and scramble for the hoodie wrinkled up on his bed. All the while he was cursing and rambling under his breath as he stuffed his wallet and phone into his pockets.

"I told you to put these type of dates into your phone." Kurogiri points out, watching as Tomura nearly slipped onto his ass as he scrambled towards the front door.
"Not right now!" Shigaraki snaps, clearly not in the mood for another lecture. Shoving on his red shoes, he quickly leaves in search for a nearby store.

It was clear that Shigaraki wasn't exactly a gift-getter. His motto was more-or-less: 'Your gift is that I haven't killed you yet' and whoever's day it was would have to appreciate that. But since Shoto one of the only people aside from All For One and Kurogiri he can withstand for long periods of time--he also seems to not have the urge to itch when around him--Tomura usually tends to get him an actual, physical gift.

However, despite this for the life of him Tomura can not remember dates at all. He can remember his birthday and Christmas, but that's about it. It's not entirely because he's forgetful, it's just what goes on in his day-to-day life gets him distracted. At least that was one of the good things Kurogiri was for: reminding the scratchy man what was coming up.

As he reached a nearby store, Shigaraki went instead and looked around in a new frantic manner. Shoto wasn't picky about presents; he honestly never expected any despite every year he got a little something. Shigaraki could get him a pair of socks and the guy would be more than appreciative. Not gonna lie, Shigaraki found this behavior a bit strange, but at least he didn't have to get anything too extravagant for him to be happy.

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