🥺Comforting Touch🖐🏻

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Not a lot of things got underneath Shigaraki's skin. He had grown immune to a lot of names and threats that people threw at him as if they were rocks. Hoping to hit him but never did. Always missing.
But today, someone got lucky. They aimed, threw, and struck Shigaraki right in the heart.

Dabi and Shigaraki got into a heated argument over Hawks coming over. It got brought up by Shigaraki finding red feathers on the couch. Along with dried white sticky stuff on the cushions. Shigaraki confronted Dabi about it, knowing him and Hawk were dating.

Dabi didn't care about the mess and told Shigaraki to find someone to clean it if it bothered him so much. That set Tomura off, and that's about when the shouting began. Kurogiri tried breaking up the fight, while everyone else wisely hid behind the bar counter.

Insults and physical attacks were thrown, until Kurogiri finally made portals that stopped the two villains from harming each other.
"Enough of this!" Kurogiri scolded.
"You know Scratchy, the only reason your even here is because All For One took pity on you!"

"You killed your real Father, so he adopted your sorry ass off the street. If he didn't you'd be dead because no one else would want you. No one else here cares about you, only taking pity on ya!!"

The yelling fully stopped, making everyone behind the bar slowly peek over the counter. Shigaraki's red eyes were wide and glossy behind Father's fingers. Dabi blinked, seeming to realize how far he had gone. The portals disappeared from around Shigaraki and Dabi's hands. Shigaraki turned, walking out of the base as he flipped the hood part of his hoodie over his head.

"Nice going barbecue boy! Now you've really done it!" Toga snapped, glaring at Dabi with her cat-like eyes.
"When he gets back, you'd better apologize." Spinner demanded.
Dabi scoffed, "I don't have to apologize for shit."
"I do hope you remember that it was Tomura that gave you a job and kept you off the streets Dabi." Kurogiri reminded.

Dabi felt guilt rise from the bottom of his gut. They were right. But he wasn't going to go after Shigaraki. If they were left alone for even a second, Dabi would be turned to ashes.

Shigaraki leaned against a building, haven taken Father off of his face to be able to cry. He constantly wiped his tears off with the sleeve of his jacket, but more replaced the previous. He hated Dabi so much.
He shouldn't have let his comment get under his skin like that, but deep down, he felt guilty about killing his family. Besides his biological Father, he hated that man so much he was glade he was dead and gone.

He didn't want to go back to the base, just until tomorrow. But, where else could he stay? Shigaraki got an idea, he could stay with his boyfriend, Shoto. Shigaraki knew for a fact that Todoroki was at his house alone. He was alone because Natsuo was at college, Fuyumi was sleeping at her fiancées house, and Endeavor was on a business trip.

He got seconds thoughts at first, but decided to go anyway. Walking from the spot he was at to Todoroki's house took ten minutes. He tried keeping his mind off what happened. But like a moth to the flame, it wondered back to the topic. Over and over again.

Shigaraki took the spare key from underneath the welcome mat and unlocked the front door. He made sure to put the key right back where it was before closing the door behind him. The house was quiet, almost too quiet. A pit formed in Shigaraki's stomach as he became uneasy.

He quietly ventured through the house, calling out to Todoroki by his first name. No answer. He went upstairs, the creaking boards feeling like he was setting off alarms. Sliding open the Japanese styled door, Shigaraki breathed a sigh of relief. Todoroki was asleep, headphones over his ears as music played from a Walkman.

Closing the door, Shigaraki stood there for a moment. He didn't know what to do. What could he say? He sat down on the edge of Todoroki's bed. The added weight made the bed made it dip downwards.
Todoroki's eyes fluttered open, blinking once or twice before turning his head. Seeing Tomura there, he relaxed a bit.

"Hey sweetheart," Todoroki yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, "when did you get here?"
"A few minutes ago. I'm sorry I shouldn't have woken you up." Shigaraki mumbled, fiddling with his thumbs.
Todoroki hummed, sitting up and hugging Shigaraki. He felt how tense the older male was and knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"
"I can tell when your upset, please tell me."
Shigaraki was quiet, Dabi is Todoroki's older brother . If anyone could set that piece of barbecue chicken straight, it was Shoto Todoroki. Then again, he didn't want to tell Todoroki about his problems.

Todoroki gently put his hand on Shigaraki's face and turned it towards him. His eyes were full of concern, and not the type that you'd get from a classmate. Those types of eyes were full of pity. Todoroki's feelings shown through his eyes.

"Dabi and I got into a fight today. It started off with me complaining about Hawks's feathers and white sticky stuff that I found on the couch. He said they if it bothered me so much that I could clean it up. When I said no, he told me to find someone else. Then, we started insulting and threatening each other and then.."

"Then what?" Todoroki's voice was calm, not pushy or bored.
"He..he said that master only takes pity on me. And that no one cared about me." Shigaraki said, a tear slipping from his eye. Todoroki kept his rage down, planning on confronting Dabi tomorrow.

"Touya says things like that all the time when he's mad. It's just bullshit, so don't let it get you down. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow. Besides,"
Todoroki smiled at Shigaraki warmly, " I care about you. So much."
Shigaraki felt his heart skip a beat as Todoroki slid underneath his arm and hug him tightly.

"Does he say things like that to you?"
"That only bad thing he's said is to me is that I was stupid to believe I could be a hero. Though, I thought of that more as a fact. I don't understand why I wanted to become a Hero."
"That reminds me, are you sure your okay with living with us? It gets pretty crazy."
"Can't be as worse than the dorms were."

Todoroki replayed the cassette tape in his Walkman while Shigaraki took off his shoes and hoodie.
"Here, I was listen to this whenever I feel down." Todoroki gently put one of the earbuds in Shigaraki's ear before allowing him to lay down on his chest.
"Wait, did you have a bad day today?" Shigaraki questioned.

"Kinda of. But, we can talk about it tomorrow if you want." Todoroki said, a bit mad at himself for letting that fact slip. The music that played was reggae, which was a bit surprising. But, with Shoto's fingers running through his long blueish whiteish hair, and the melody of the calming music, made Shigaraki's tenseness and worry melt away.

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