💖The Kindest Touch🤲

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Requested by: no one

Word count: 1,660

Type of story: Fluff

Basic Summary: It's obvious to anyone with vision that Shigaraki Tomura is not used to another human being's touch. So when he is given a hold that is nothing more than pure kindness, it becomes very clear how touch starved this man is.

Warning(s): mention of past abuse


"And..there." Shigaraki gradually leans back in his seat, allowing both him and the younger male beside him to admire his card tower. Taking a quick glance over, Shigaraki cannot help but smirk as he finds the younger, newbie villain staring at the tower with wide eyes, mouth slightly agape.

"Impressive, right?"
"How do you even do that??" Shoto inquires in a whispering-yell, as if talking any louder would make the cards come crashing down.
The red eyed man explains, "Practice." while he crosses his arms over his chest.

Todoroki continues to observe his masterpiece, muttering under his breath, "Amazing.." In that moment he appeared more like an awe-struck child than the terrifying villain he was supposed to be. Well, at least according to his job and society's outlook on criminals, that's what he's supposed to be.

When Giran had first brought this kid to him to join the League, Shigaraki out right refused due to how incongruous his first meeting with Dabi and Toga had been. However, Kurogiri eventually convinced him and the fire/ice wielder was brought in, and for once Shigaraki was glad he had listened to his caretaker.

Shoto was living proof that villains were not the power hungry, psychopaths that society had painted them to be. Of course there were other reasons that had led to him bring hired, but it isn't any use listing them all off right now.

"You're so cool, Tomura."

Ensue erratic heartbeat.

"Y-yeah," Shigaraki swallows before clearing his throat, thankful that Father was hiding his face from Todoroki's view, "thanks.."

Just then Shoto sat up straighter, staring over at the other side of the bar with scrunched up brows and a slightly confused frown. "What's wrong?"
"I thought I heard something." He confesses, still looking unsure even as he settles back into his seat.

Shigaraki brushes the comment off, "Probably just your imagination again." Shoto has been known to hear fabricated noises, so it was easy to solve these small issues of his. "Here, use the rest of these cards and try to make your own tower. "
"Oh, I don't think I'll be able to-"
"Just try it."

Using the few remaining cards in the box, Shoto slowly poses them to stand, using the same hand movements and gestures his boss had done. Obviously Shigaraki caught onto this and could not help but snort. Despite it being a fairly quiet sound, Shoto is able to pick up on it and give the man a look.

"Nothing," Shigaraki lightly shakes his head, "keep going." As he tried to start the second row, the bottom instantly fell down. This made Shoto's monotone face change into shock, then to annoyance and finally back to nothing.

"I can't do it."
"You just need practice, is all." Shigaraki lightly bumps the back of his hand against Shoto's arm, "How about if I teach you a thing or two, huh? Think that'll help? "
Quickly Shoto nods, "Yeah, that would help a lot, I think. Thanks."

Out from behind the counter pops Toga, who screamed a mighty battle cry, "BALLOON FATALITY!!" at the top of her lungs as she threw a water balloon at her boss. Well, it should have been water, but upon impact it was clear that it had been frozen.

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