🍑Fuck Buddies👬

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Ask anyone in Japan, and they'll tell you the same thing. That the No. 2 Pro Hero Todoroki Shoto, also known as his Hero name, IcyHot, is the perfect Hero. He was always so kind to everyone he met, always the first on any crime scene, always the calm and collected Hero everyone needed him to be.

How ironic it was for the perfect Hero to be like this now. Crushing hard and shuddering like a teenager in love, clinging onto Japan's most wanted Villain, the Leader of the League of Villain, Shigaraki.

Three days earlier...

Todoroki and Shigaraki had been fighting for almost an hour. The other Hero's we're occupied by other villains from the League, and Shoto was beginning to get tired. But, he could tell Shigaraki was almost tiring down. His movements were slowing down and his attacks were turning more into blocks and defenses than actual close combat.

Todoroki had never felt more alive. Shigaraki was practically his equal. Their defenses matched one another, their thought process was practically the same, close combat matched fairly well. It was all so extreme. "You're getting slow, Mr. Pro Hero." Shigaraki taunted, part of his arrogant smirk showing out of the hand he always wore.

That smirk didn't faze Shoto anymore. They had been fighting up against each other for months now, and Shigaraki's attitude had only began to relish in the attitude. No one had ever dared to talk like that to a Pro Hero, especially Shoto Todoroki. He had done nothing but good, why would he be talked down to?

Todoroki licked his lips, tasting his own blood that was leaking down his face from the wound on his head, which he earned from a piece of falling buildings debris. The taste of blood made Todoroki grin. Maybe he would die today. Shoto wouldn't mind dying at the hands of his equal. No one would fault him for dying at the hands of the most wanted Villain. The Villain that could never be caught and always succeeded.

"Oi, pay attention to me you idiot!!" Shigaraki growled, and Todoroki snapped out of his trance. He quickly prepared himself for what he already knew was going to be a frontal attack. Another reason they stalemate is that they knew each other too well by now. Sure enough, Shigaraki had lunged towards Todoroki, but this time does something that catches Todoroki off his guard.

Shigaraki moves swiftly to the left, and swings his leg out, hitting Shoto full on in the stomach, knocking the air out of the younger males lungs. This attack sent IcyHot crashing harshly onto his back to the ground. Shigaraki is on IcyHot in little than two seconds, pinning Todoroki's hands to the sides of his head.

Shoto looked up in a daze, he had really let his guard down on that one. Was this it? Was he finally going to die? He was tired of all the fighting. He was tired of being seen as a perfect Hero. He was tired of having to hide himself all the damn time.
"Hey, are you still fucking spacing out? What the hell is so important that you can't even focus on our fight?!" Shigaraki hissed, clearly pissed off by the sudden lack of attention.

Shoto looked up into the blazing red eyes above him, trying so hard to focus on what was truly happening. They had never been this close before. Sure, they had done close combat, but it was never like this. Never so close without much hitting. Shoto's eyes trailed to what he could see of Shigaraki's mouth, which was in a scowl. He's probably look so soft if he smiled.
"Do you ever smile?" Todoroki asked in a mutter, unaware of the words coming out of his mouth.

"Eh?? What the—the fuck?" It was enough for Shigaraki to release some of the pressure off of Todoroki's wrists and lean up off him. It was just enough. He put all his remaining power into lighting up his left side. Shigaraki yelped, rolling off of IcyHot as the flames nearly ignited his pants. Todoroki took his chance, pinning Shigaraki to the ground. He grabbed Shigaraki's hands by their wrists, holding them up but away from himself.

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